Chapter 20

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The chime of the door made me move my gaze from the cake I was icing to the person standing in the doorway. Sam stood looking at the case that housed everything that was for sale. I set the bag of icing down, and walk to the cash register. "Hello, how can I help you today Sir?"

 Sam looked up and smiled as he realized it was me. "Ah yes. I need a red velvet cupcake and a slice of that chocolate cake."

I reach into the case, grabbing the cupcake and putting it in a plastic box. I cut a piece of cake and set it on the counter next to the cash register. "Alright Sir, the total comes out to $4.75"

He reaches into his pocket and digs out his wallet. Handing me a five dollar bill he says, "Keep the change Babe."

I laugh putting the money away. When I look up he's still standing in front of the counter. I slide the food towards him. "There you go. Have a nice day."

He pick up the plate that the cake was on and sits at small table. I roll my eyes, grabbing the cupcake and walking over to him. I set the container on the table and turn away. I feel a hand holding my wrist. "That's for you." He says with a smile.

"Sam, I can't just stop and have a break." I look across the room at the clock which displays the time as 3:47pm. "I have like 15 minutes. Think you can survive?"

"Scarlett!" Cara yells from the back room 

I send an apologetic glance at Sam and start walking towards her voice. I reach the back room Cara's back is to me. "You alright back here?"

"Yea. Of course. Can you just grab me that other container of red icing? I need to finish this before I lose my vision."

I laugh and set the container beside the three tier cake that will become a wedding cake. I look over her work. It has white icing with red accents. I pat her on the back, "It looks beautiful."

Cara finally turns toward me, "Oh Scar. I forgot to tell you. I have an appointment for me and you right after work to go try on dresses at the dress shop on Canal Street."

"Really? Sam's here waiting for me to get off so we could spend some time together."

Cara pouts slightly, "Can you just come with me and make it up to him later? We really need to find your dress for the wedding and we need to talk."

Confused I nod, "Well I guess I'll go tell Sam I'll just see him later. Put your stuff away so we can leave. We lock up in 3 minutes."

Cara waves me off as she starts to clean her decorating area. I step into the front of the bakery and see Sam sitting at the same table tapping away on his phone. I sit next to him and he sets his phone down. "Ready to go?"

I half smile. "Actually, I'm not gonna be able to go. Cara made an appointment for us to go look at dresses for me at the dress shop on Canal Street. Maybe you can come by my house later? Jay has to work tonight so he'll be gone."

Sam looks at me for a few seconds before speaking, "Yea. Of course. Just please be careful going over there."

"We will. I'll text you when I get home so you can come over alright?"

Sam nod and stands. I do the same and kiss his cheek. "See you later."

Cara walks out from behind the cash register, untying her apron. "Ready to go find you the perfect dress?"

I instantly smile. "Hell yea. Let's go."

Cara and I decided to just walk to the dress shop since we were running a little but earlier than she was expecting. About half way there Cara changed the subject. "Hey Scar? You know how me and Jake's wedding is not for like another 8 months?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2018 ⏰

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