Chapter 13

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It's been 2 weeks. 14 days since I've lost not only my mother but also my child. The first few days I was asleep. The 4th day is when I heard the news of the tragedy. That was also the day I went home. The 5th and 6th day were spent resting and planning two funerals I wish I never had to attend. The 7th day was spent sitting in Jay's room at his apartment crying. It seemed like no matter what I did, something reminded me of Mom or my baby. Throughout the day Jay would come in and comfort me. On the 8th day I tried to go into the kitchen to get something to drink but I saw Sam. I saw the sadness on his face when he looked at me. I couldn't handle it. I covered my mouth and ran back into the room. The 9th day was when we finalized all the plans for both funerals. We had to wait a few extra days because Cara and Jake were coming down. On the 10th day Sam tried to talk to me. I still couldn't look him in the eye. He asked the normal things like how I was doing or if  I wanted something to eat. The 11th day Cara and Jake got here. It was really nice seeing Cara again. When she got to the house I instantly was hugging her. I saw Sam clinging to Jake as Cara and I walked back to the room. The 12th day was when I actually ate a meal for the first time in almost 2 weeks. I also smiled genuinely for the first time. Jake made some kind of joke about Cara's cooking and I couldn't help but smile. The 13th day was the day of the funerals. That day I barely spoke. I must have hugged a million and one people. The hardest part of that day was when I saw both my child and my mother be layed in the ground. I went home that day and stayed in bed. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone. I had a constant ache in my heart that no matter what I did, it never left me. Today was the 14th day, 2 weeks. I had survived 2 weeks of nothing but pain and tears. 

Since I had come to Jay's place after getting out of the hospital, I've kinda taken over his room. My suitcase lay on the floor at the foot of the bed. The sun was shining through the windows so it had to be daytime. I had the urge to go sit with everyone in the living room. I could hear them talking, but I just couldn't find the strength to drag myself out of the bed. I heard my phone buzz on the night stand next to me. I reach for it checking to see who had texted me. It was Cara. Are you awake?

I quickly replied with a 'yea' and set my phone down again. It wasn't even a minute until I heard a knock on the door. I glance over and see my best friend's head peaking into the room. I motion for her to come in. She walks in and shuts the door behind her. I keep my head on a pillow as I clutch another one in front of me. Cara sits down next to me folding her legs and her hands in her lap. "Hey." I say quietly.

"How are you feeling? Like pain wise. Do you need me to get your medicine for you?" She questions.

I attempt to sit up. I wince a little as I feel a jolt of pain in my side as I settle. "I hurt a little. Not so bad that I need a pain killer. Thanks though."

"Scar, you need to be taking your pain medicine. If you have it you need to take it. Why hurt when you don't have to?"

I run my hand over my face. "Fine. Can you please get me my medicine?"

She simply nods and is gone in a flash. As she leaves, she leaves the door open. The view while the door's open is the door to the bathroom. It's closed and I can see the light under the door signaling there's someone in there. Suddenly the door opens and Sam appears in my sight. He looks at me for a moment and back down the hallway. He turns his body towards me and walks into the room. He kinda stands awkwardly at the foot of the bed. "Hey." 

"Hi." I answer.

He walks over and shuts the door quietly then walks over and sits by the foot board. "I, uh, just wanted to come check on you." He looks down at his hands for a moment before he speaks again. "I just haven't seen or talked to you properly in a while."

I try to avoid eye contact with his as much as possible. "I'm alright. My side just hurts."

"Do you want me to go get some medicine for you? Or maybe some food or something?"

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