Chapter 15

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I zipped up my overnight bag and looked around the room to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything. I was only here for a few months but it seems like so long. I spot a picture frame on the desk in Jay's room. Out of curiosity, I pick it up. he moment captured in the picture is when I first left to go to New York. This was before I even met Cara. It was of me and Jay hugging at the airport. I can see his face resting on my shoulder but my face his hidden behind his neck. My mother must of taken this picture. Jay has his eyes squeezed closes while he has a tight grip on me.

 "You know after you walked away, Mom was the strong one and I was the one crying like a baby." 

I turn to see Jay slumped against the door frame with his arms crossed over his chest. He had a small smile on his face. "I didn't know you had this picture." I say as I look back at the frame.

He shrugs. "I just like to keep something that reminds me of you around. You are my little sister."

I set the picture back down on the desk and turn to face my brother. I hold my arms out towards him hinting I want a hug. He sees my gesture and walks to my and wraps his arms around me. "Scar. I'm gonna miss you so much. I've gotten used to seeing you everyday."

I feel my eyes beginning to water. "I know. I'm gonna miss you too."

I hear Jay sniffle. "Hey," I say as I pull away, "there's no need to cry. I'm only a phone call away. Anytime you feel like you need someone, call me. I'll always be there to talk no matter what time it is okay?"

He nods and looks at me with tear filled eyes. "I'm gonna come visit sometime. I can't wait 4 years like this last time."

"And you're not gonna have to. Just let me know when you're coming and I'll be sure me or someone else will be at that airport to pick you up."

He nods again and engulfs me in another hug. "I love you Scar."

I smile. "I love you too Jay."

"Alright Scarlett-" Sam stops in the middle of his sentence as he walks in on me and Jay hugging.

We separate and I walk over to the bed. I grab my bag and hand it to Sam. He disappears once again. I walk to the front door of Jay's apartment and stop in the open doorway. I turn around and see my brother right behind me. "Bye Jay." I say with a smile.

"Bye Scar. Be careful."

I turn to join Sam, Cara and Jake in the car. I'm only a few feet away when I hear Jay again. "Wait!" 

I turn around and Jay runs and hugs me again. "I don't want you to leave again." He says as tears stream down his face and onto my shoulder.

"I don't want to leave either, but I have a life and a job back in New York." A tear escapes my eye as I speak.

I feel him nod. "Jay, we'll see each other again soon okay? Maybe you can come in like a month or so?"

He pulls away and wipes under his eyes before speaking. "Yea. Maybe so. Maybe when I go, I'll like it so much that I just won't come back here. I'll just stay with you."

I laugh lightly. "That would be great." I look over at the car and see Sam motioning for me to hurry. "Jay I gotta go or we'll miss our flight. Like I said just call me whenever you miss me, okay?"

He smiles and nods. "Definitely."

I walk to the car and sit down next to Sam. I look out my window and wave to Jay. He smiles and waves back as we drive away. I feel Sam's hand on my leg, "Home, here we come."


It took me a while to finally get back into the routine of work. At first I'd only work half days and just run the register, but I've worked up to going back to full days and doing what I used to do. 

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