Chapter 11

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There was always something about being around someone you truly care about. I'm not quite sure how to describe it. Happiness? Joy? It seems like more than any string of words can describe. It's just a feeling that you get. It may be when you're just sitting with the person, talking and it hits you like a train. It may be when you kiss the person for the first time. It's different for everyone. For me, it was when Sam had run into the rain to get the car from the parking lot. As he was jogging towards the car, it hit me. I wasn't alone in this world anymore. I didn't have to face problems alone. Sam was here. He wants to protect me from everything he can, even something as small as the few rain drops I would encounter walking to the car.

A few moments pass and before I know it Sam is right in front of me with the car. I quickly get in and shut the door behind me. I shiver slightly due to the cold rain that made contact with my skin. I felt his gaze on me. "Are you cold? I can turn up the heat if you want?" 

I rubbed  my hands on my upper arms. "I'll be fine."

Sam ignored my answer and turned the air temperature dial to a warmer setting. I shot him a look. He looked back and forth from me to the road a few times. "What? You're cold. I don't want you getting sick." 

I smiled at him, "Thank you."

The rest of the ride back to my Mom's house consisted of Sam singing along to the radio and me laughing at him when he'd try to hit the high notes or when he would dance to the music. By the time we made it back we both were singing at the top of our lungs but also laughing at each other.

Sam pulled into the drive way and turned off the car. He opened his door and climbed out. I reached for my door handle but before I could even touch it, Sam's door is slammed shut and he is sprinting around the car to my door. I laugh as he opens the door and held his hand out. I placed my hand in his and got out of the car. He closed the door lightly, still holding onto my hand. "Welcome home Madame."

I curtsy at him, "Oh why thank you Sir."

He starts laughing and walks into the house. I follow behind him. When we enter the kitchen my mom is no where to be seen. "You can head to the room. I'm gonna go check on Mom real quick then I'll come meet you."

He nodded and proceeded to my room. I walked into the living room and see Mom asleep in her recliner. I decide not to wake her. I walk to Jay's room and pop my head into the room. He's laying in his bed looking at his phone. I run and jump in his bed next to him. He looks at me for a moment then back at his phone. "Yes?"

"Nothing. We just got home and I was coming ask you how Mom was today."

He sets his phone down. "She was alright. She wasn't feeling too great earlier so I sent her to take a nap." 

I nod and stand up from his bed. "Well I think I'm gonna shower while she's asleep and maybe we can go eat somewhere tonight in celebration of me being 4 months pregnant?"

Jay laughs, "Or is it that you're craving something?"

"Yes! Oh my god! I'm craving chips and salsa so bad right now! Can we please go? Please?"

"Yea we can go. But if Mom isn't feeling well, I may just let you and Sam go and get you to bring me something back."

I tell him that I could do that and walk out of his room and into mine. As soon as I step in I hear, "Stop! Don't Move!" 

I stop dead in my tracks and look around the room. I see Sam's head in the doorway from my bathroom. His hair is wet and I can see he doesn't have a shirt on. "Can you look in my bag right there," he points to the bag by my feet, "and grab me a pair of boxers please?"

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