Chapter 6

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I swung my legs over the side of the bed and slowly got up, trying not to wake Sam. If what I think happened last night really did happen, I don't want to deal with the awkward situation right now. Just as I lifted the rest of my body off the bed, I heard Sam let out a sigh and move about in the sheets. I slowly turned to face the boy. He was still asleep. I closed my eyes and let out a silent sigh of relief. I quickly but quietly walked over the landmines of clothing on my floor. I quickly grabbed a pair of shorts, shirt, bra and underwear. I tip toed to my door, opening and closing it as quiet as possible. Once I was on the other side of the door, I let out a heavy sigh.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" The voice scared me so bad that I dropped everything in my hands. Cara was standing in front of me in the doorway of her room. "Oh my god. Scarlett. Did you didn't have sex with him?" 

I looked back at her. I felt my lip quiver. "I don't know." It came out as a very low whisper. Tears were now streaming down my face. Cara quickly pulled my arm causing me to step into her room. She closed the door behind us. 

Cara stood with her arms crossed and her eyebrows furrowed. "What do you mean you don't know?"

"After we left the fair we stopped for drinks at some bar and we came back here to watch movies. The last thing I remember is us starting the movie and the next thing I know I'm waking up next to him in bed with only his fucking shirt on. Oh my god Cara. What am I gonna do?" By then I was sitting on the floor with my knees pulled to my chest and my hands on my face shielding it from Cara's looks. My thoughts were everywhere. 

I sniffled and looked up at Cara. She was looking back at me but I could tell she was thinking. "Just go take a shower and if he gets up before you get out I'll talk to him okay?" I nodded as I stood up and walked out of her room. I picked up my clothing that was still on the ground where I left it and walked into the bathroom. I turned of the shower and just let it heat up for a few minutes. I peeled off Sam's shirt and observed my body. I see purple marks on my collar bone, on my neck and a large one on my hip. Oh my god. I turned away from the mirror ashamed to even look at myself any longer. I went into the shower and took a long shower hoping to avoid the confrontation with Sam. When I was finished, I slowly got dressed and brushed the tangles out of my hair. I stood by the door listening carefully. I heard two voices. One belonging to Cara and the other belonging to Sam. I put my ear close to the door and listened carefully. 

"So what did you two do last night after the fair?" Cara asked.

"Oh umm," I heard Sam stop talking as if he was looking for words. "We just came back here and watched a few movies then went to sleep. It wasn't much."

"Ahh okay. Well do you want anything to eat? It's nearly 1."

"Oh no thanks. I should be getting going but I need to talk to Scarlett. Speaking of, where is Scarlett?"

"She's taking a quick shower. She shouldn't be too much longer."

With that I opened the door and walked slowly to the kitchen. I had Sam's shirt in hand. When I walked up I saw Sam standing at the island facing me wearing his shorts from last night and the hoodie I was wearing when we came home. "Hey." I said quietly.

"Umm hey Scarlett? Can I talk to you real quick?" Sam asked. I nodded as he came walking past me and towards my room. I looked at Cara and she shot me and encouraging look. 

I walked slowly to my room dreading the talk I was about to have with Sam. I walked in and shut the door behind me. When I turned around I saw Sam standing on the other side of the room slightly pacing. "Scar, about last night." He started.

I looked down at my hands and saw that I was still clutching his shirt in my hands. "Oh yea. Here's your shirt." I said as I tossed it to him. 

He looked at the article of clothing and looked back at me. "Where was this? I spent like 10 minutes looking around this room for it."

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