Chapter 14

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Everyone seemed like they were stepping on thin ice as they were talking. It's like they would have to think about what they were going to say before they would actually say anything. I kind of appreciated them doing this though. It let me breathe for a little while without feeling a constant pain. It was me, Sam, Jay, Cara, and Jake all at a table. I felt myself smiling and laughing at the jokes that someone would say or when Jake would pick on Cara about her cooking.

After what seemed like only a few minutes, it was nearing 2 in the afternoon. We all piled back into the car. Jay drove as Jake sat in the passenger seat and Cara, Sam and I sat in the back seat. The whole way home every time Jay would hit a bump, I would wince. The pain medicine was starting to wear off. After the 4th or 5th bump I held my side and leaned forward slightly. I felt Sam's hand find my back to try to comfort me. Jay looked and say me. "I'm sorry Scar. The roads are horrible. I'm trying to miss as much as I can."

I waved my hand at him as if to tell him it's alright. I just wanted to get back and lay back down at this point in time. 

It seemed like ages before we finally arrived back at Jay's place. I opened the door but before I could climb out I heard Sam, "Scarlett, don't try to get out yourself. I'm gonna come around and help you. Okay?"

I nodded and waiting for him to accompany me. He walked to me and held out his hand. I reached for it and tried to pull myself out. Halfway through, the pain was getting unbearable. I found myself holding my breathe hoping that would ease it. To my disappointment, it didn't. Once I was standing I felt Sam's grip on my hips. "Can you walk? Or?"

I tried to take a step but before I could I felt my legs be swung out from under me. I winced at the dull pain but once it eased I let out a sigh. "Sam, I can walk." I say as he carries me inside the house.

I see him smile, "I know, but I know you're in pain and I don't want to make you walk while you're hurting."

I'm kind of lost for words to say to him. He's been nothing but kind to me since everything happened. I just stayed quiet until we finally reached Jay room. He set me down lightly on the bed. I reached to take of my shoes and he slapped my hands gently. "No. Just sit there. I can do it."

I sent him a glare. "Sam. I can take off my own shoes."

"Yea. You can, but I'm doing it. So shush." He replies sassily

I knew I couldn't fight him about this. He had his mind made up and it wasn't going to change. I might as well let him take off my shoes. Once he finishes he looks up at me, "Now, I'm gonna go get your medicine. Is there anything else you want while I'm in the kitchen?"

I laugh lightly and I feel my face heat up. "Can you make me some chocolate milk please?"

He chuckles and nods, "Of course. Anything you want."

He quickly walks out the room leaving me alone with my phone. I wasted time by playing a few games. Not even 2 minutes later I hear footsteps come into the room. "Alright. I got the medicine and chocolate milk."

I set my phone down and smile. "Thank you so much."

I quickly take the pills and enjoy my chocolate milk. Sam starts to walk towards the door but I stop him, "Wait. Where are you going?"

He stops and points. "I was going to go take a nap. Or at least try to."

I set my cup down on the side table. "Come here. " I motion him towards me.

He looks at me confused still standing by the door. "Sam. Seriously come here."

He starts to walk over to me and as he does I move the blankets away from the bed so he can lay down. He sits down next to me. "What?" He asks.

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