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CELINE STARED AT HER IPHONE, patiently waiting in anticipation for it to ring. She couldn't help but feel conflicted by this. On one side, she felt delighted to actually hear him talking to her. On the other, she felt nervous about what they were going to say.

What will I say?

What will he say?

I'm probably going to make a fool of myself...

Of all the times, she's never felt this giddy about a boy. Especially one she's never met face to face. But that didn't seem to matter. She's been talking to Finn for more than two months now and they never lack conversation. It is more or less the same as talking to each other face to face, right? Right.

But calling was a whole different field. There was no hiding behind the keyboard on your screen. Only relying on your voice to say your thoughts. No keyboard. No thumbs. No tricks. No blue ticks. No emojis.

An accidental squeal leaped from her throat just as her phone vibrated on the coffee table. She stared at the screen, taking deep breaths as she picked it up with a shaky hand.

Relax. It's just Finn. You'll be fine, she thought to herself while licking her lips. She swiped the screen to accept the call and brings the phone to her ear with eyes closed, "H-hi..."

Crap! Of coarse she was going to stutter like an eight year old. She cringed, hoping to drop dead than embarrass herself even more.

"Hi, Celine." Finn answered seconds later, almost breathlessly for that matter. He made her name sound unique in his prominent Irish accent and wished she could record him say it again. She could hear people mummering in the background and hoped that he didn't catch her stutter.

"H-how are y-you?" With her palm placed on her forehead, Celine internally screamed at herself. I sound so darn stupid!

The Irish wrestler merely chuckled at her on the other side before responding, "I'm good. Nervous?"

"That obvious?" she says before releasing a giggle of her own. Tucking some strands of her brown hair behind her ear, she plopped on the couch and continued to watch Monday Night Raw.

"Yes." he admits truthfully, which caused her to bite her lip timidly while looking down at her hand.

"Sorry." she frowned, shaking her head in disappointment. So much for being fine. This was just cruel.

"S'fine. I find it adorable, actually." her ears perked up at this. She grinned widely, thinking of their last conversation that conveniently involved sweets.

"Of coarse you do." she mutters, hearing another soft laugh from him. She liked hearing that, a lot more than she'd like to in fact.

"If it makes you feel better, I'm nervous too." Finn confessed timidly, Celine raised her eyebrows as she grabbed the remote to lower the volume. She sat cross legged and leaned back on the couch.

The Cupid Series ↬ Finn BálorWhere stories live. Discover now