26| Real life

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"Is something the matter, Ferg?" He heard her sweet voice before feeling her lips brushing his bare shoulder. Her arms wrapped around his torso as her body settled behind him on the bed. "You seem distant."

They had slept in the same room the nigh before. No sexual activities were involved. 

"It's nothing you should worry about, love." His body shifted so he could kiss her. He smiled warmly, his hand reaching up to brush her brown locks behind her ear. "You're here, with me, and that's what matters the most."

She giggled when his lips met hers again. Then her cheek and her neck. Her blissful state was temporarily distorted when his phone vibrated on the night stand once again. It has been for the last  thirty minutes and she noticed how Fergal made absolutely no attempt at all to answer it.

"Your phone's been ringing non stop." Celine softly points out, causing him to inhale and lean on her chest with a groan. She snickered at his attitude and stroked his messy hair. "Maybe you should answer it, love."

The ringing didn't stop, nor did it show signs of stopping. Fergal grew more infuriated by the second. Mercy wasn't gonna make this easy for him, was she?

"Fine, I'll answer it." His eyes snapped open when he suddenly felt cold when Celine's warmth moved away from him. Her hand nearly reached his phone if he hadn't sprinted over to grab it.

"No." he spat, shaking his head, his thumb pressing tightly on the side of his phone and it ceased vibrating. He couldn't risk her finding out. Not like that. She'd loathe him for an eternity. Her hate would scorch his soul, he wouldn't be able to bare that.

"Fergal, maybe it's important." Her smile slowly disappeared upon seeing the deep frown on his face. She didn't even have to think about anything else. She could feel it.

"Or you're hiding something." His silence spoke volumes. Her gaze went to the tightly gripped iPhone in his hand, then to his downcast glistening blue eyes. He was hurting. "Love, please, tell me... Maybe I can help."

"You can't." he stated, his heart breaking at his own words. His eyes caught hers as he quietly added, "If I told you... I'd lose you again."

"No, you won't." Celine kindly reassured him. Or at least she thought she did. She crawled over to him as he was standing by the bed, her hand gently grazing his cheek. "Fergal, whatever it is, it's killing you from the inside out. You need to tell me."

She was right. Keeping the truth from her killed him. It would kill her sooner or later and that was exactly what he was trying to avoid. Celine didn't deserve to be hurt like that. What happened with Mercy was once an unpleasant memory and now it is a constant reminder.

Fergal swallowed hard and sat down next to her, but he was unable to face her. He was far too ashamed to do so. "I can't."

The Brit took a few moments to study him, feeling her eyes glazing over. They had just gotten back together and now he's keeping secrets from her. What could possibly be the problem this time? How much would it hurt them?

"Was it me?" Celine asked softly, her hand tracing down his arm until it reached his palm. "Did i do something wrong? Did I hurt you?"

"No." he immediately denied it, shaking his head. "Love, you could never."

"Then, tell me." Her gentle demand almost made him brave enough to tell the truth. Almost. It should've been enough to say the words, but no. He chose cowardice and kept silent.

"I'm sorry." he barely uttered while standing up to leave the room. Leaving her disappointed that he couldn't trust her with someone that seemed so delicate.

Because if he couldn't truth her, then what was the point of being together in the first place?

But she wasn't going to give up. If Fergal wasn't going to tell her, then someone else has to. Someone close to him, someone that he trusts.

And she knows just the right people.

And she knows just the right people

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Oh, my my my!





Peace out💋

The Cupid Series ↬ Finn BálorWhere stories live. Discover now