3| Interview

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e l l e n  d e g e n e r e s
s h o w

❝Hello, Celine. Good to have you here.❞ Ellen said as she shook hands with the Brit before they sat down on. the comfortable couches.

Celine grinned happily, responding with a slight nod, ❝Thanks for having me here.❞

Ellen hesitated for a bit, her eyes widening as she stared at the girl while she confusingly looked back at her. The crowd snickered slightly at Ellen's reaction before bursting out in laughter when she breathed out, ❝Wow, people weren't kidding when they said your accent hits you hard.❞

While having fits of giggles of her own, she replies, ❝They're exaggerating.❞

❝Ok, let's get started.❞ Ellen says with a serious face. She leaned back on her couch and faced the brunette, ❝So now that the movie's out, how are you feeling? This is your first big, uh, spotlight since staring in The Circle and the hit series, Gateways. How does it feel to be part of something so iconic and well loved as Beauty and The Beast?❞

The audience erupted into cheers at the mention ofthe movie, which took both women by surprise, but nonetheless, made them happy to see a positive attitude.

❝It is absolutely thrilling and terrifying at the same time.❞ Celine chimed excitedly, the wonderful smile on her lips as she proceeded to explain, ❝I couldn't believe that I, simple Celine Bevis was going to play one of my favorite Disney characters. A lot of my friends did say I somewhat resembled Belle because of how much I loved books, I just didn't think I'd actually be her in the near future.❞

❝And how was playing Belle? How did you manage to be her character, was it easy or hard?❞ asked Ellen, placing her chin on her closed fist as her elbow was on the armrest.

❝Both, actually. Hard, because she was delicate, yet somewhat fierce at the same time and it was hard to play both traits. Easy, because it was easy to imagine myself in her shoes as she was a simple girl who loved reading.❞

❝And what did your friends family say when you got the part? Because there's a video of Mason jumping around like a kid, yelling "Celine is Belle!"❞ The Brit giggled, recalling that particular day when Mason wouldn't stop hugging her. He's always been a big fan of Disney movies and was over the moon to hear that his best friend plays a Disney princess.

❝They. Went. Nuts!❞ she gushed, causing everyone to laugh. ❝In fact, my sister was there with me when I got the call. I swear she got paler than she already is when I told her.❞

❝Speaking of Paige, I am a huge fan of her and I want to know how is she is.❞ said Ellen, ❝I was so devastated when she broke the news of having to retire from wrestling.❞

❝I was too. I know how much she loved being in that ring and doing what she loves. But right now, she's doing great. Better than what anyone would think because WWE isn't letting her go just yet. She is now the General Manager of Smackdown Live.❞

Again, the crowd cheered, this time for the older Bevis. And Celine was sure that Saraya would be thrilled to know that people still support her, despite not being in that ring.

She turned ack to Ellen when she suddenly asks another question, ❝Speaking of WWE, now the next question is tied to you and the WWE.❞

❝Uh oh...❞ the Brit saw the mischievous look in her eyes and could practically sense where this was leading to. Of coarse she wasn't going to escape it.

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