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And distress.

That was all she could feel while shakily pressing her phone, he fingers could barely hold the device up as she did so. Her breathing was slightly uneven as she waits for him to pick up the phone, she paced around, desperately wanting to talk to him.

And when he finally did answer, his words burned like fire, “Is that why you panicked? Because he was gonna spill the beans?

“Ferg, I swear it's not true! I didn't–” It was no use. He wouldn't listen to a word she says. And that hurt. It stung like hot knives.

You could've just told me! You could've just said that you weren't interested in me, I would've understood.” Celine could only imagine us enraged eyes as he paced around the room when he was agitated. It wasn't fair that this was happening to him, and especially to her. Joshua had absolutely no right to tell all those lies.

“Fergal, it's not true!” she yelled, completely disregarding those who listen. In fact, they should all know that, “I'm not involved with Joshua, I swear on my life!”

She hated that Finn heard that one thread of a lie that broke whatever trust he had in her. She hated Joshua for telling that lie and proving once more that he'll be nothing more than a selfish, manipulative prick. She hated herself for not telling Fergal about him sooner and maybe, just maybe then he'd know better than to believe a word that man says.

Goodbye, Celine.” Her teary eyes widened in horror. The Brit never thought she'd hear him say those words in that tone. She never wanted to hear him say it like that because it mean they'll never see each other again. That possibility itself was enough to break her heart. What hurts more is that there isn't anything she could do. The situation was out of her control.

Her throat clogged up as she whispered, “Fergal...”

He hung up. He. Hung. Up.

He's gone...

Removing the phone from her ear, she stared down at it in disbelief. It felt like hours as she did so, his last words echoing vaguely. His final words registered in her mind, but she still couldn't believe them; she couldn't believe that he was giving up on them. “Celine?”

The girl turned around, only to meet the eyes she never thought she'd see again. Eyes that once scorned her, that once ruined her life. Now, they gazed down at her with pity, and whatever fake concern there is in his soul. He had some nerve...

Ellen walked in after him and decided to stay silent to watch the scene unfold. Not even she could believe what Joshua said on live television. It was far to absurd to be true. From what she knows, Joshua and Celine were history. There was no way of them getting back together, especially when the girl had a new person of interest. A blind man could see that Finn Bálor was the one for her. And judging by the tears in Celine's eyes, her suspicions were now true.

Joshua stepped forward, extending his hand towards her, “Are you alright, lo–”

“Don't you dare.” she hissed lowly, stepping back as if his mere presence burns. Celine slowly shook her head whilst glaring at him, refusing to let him take a step closer to her; refusing to let him back into her life... Her shattered life. All because of him. All because he decided to barge into her perfect life and shash it to pieces.

He did that. Now it's time he got out to leave her to pick up the pieces once again.

Cëłîňę|Fergal, if you haven't blocked me and you're reading this right now, please listen: I didn't know he was Ellen's special guest

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|Fergal, if you haven't blocked me and you're reading this right now, please listen: I didn't know he was Ellen's special guest. I didn't know he was going to fib on national television and I especially didn't know that he was a bigger arse than he already proved to be. I only panicked because I had a feeling that he was going to say something negative about me as he always has and I was right.

|Please, talk to me, Fergal...

|You're really not going to listen to my side of the story? You're not even going to give me a chance to explain things?

FïñńýBøý has blocked you.

|Guess not...

Cëłîňę|Guess not

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I'm so evil.





Peace Out

The Cupid Series ↬ Finn BálorWhere stories live. Discover now