24| Real life

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“Bayley! Sasha!” Celine squealed joyfully as she ran up to embrace the two of them. They hugged her back and smiled once it was over. “What are you two doing here? Shouldn't you be getting ready for your match?”

“We just wanted to see our OTP!” Bayley responded gleefully, practically jumping with joy as she grinned, her side ponytail flipping around.

"That's right.” Sasha smirked and placed a hand on the Brit's shoulder; an action which had Finn's heart spiking, especially when her eyes briftly shifted to him then back to his girlfriend. “Good to see you again, Celine. I missed having a British girl around.”

Celine, however, missed the deceit in her voice and smiled warmly. Her hand was placed on Sasha's as she genuinely replied, “I missed being around you guys too.”

“Especially me.” Finn hugged his girlfriend from behind and grinned when he heard her squeal as he tenderly kissed her neck. He knew it would make the magneta haired wrestler fume on the inside.

Sure, it wasn't a wise choice to provoke her, but he just wanted her to back off. Celine was finally happy and contempt with the current state if her life. He did not want anyone or anything ruining that, especially a past drunken mistake. She didn't need that. She didn't need to shed more tears.

“Oh! We should have a girls day out tomorrow!” Bayley chirped, glancing at her best friend.

Sasha nodded, “What a great idea.”

“Count me in.” Celine agreed with them, much to the Irishman's dislike.

“But we have plans to tomorrow, love.” Finn stiffly interrupted the girls' giggles of joy, looking at his woman with a worried expression. If Celine were to spend the day with just Pamela, there would be absolutely no problem. But add Mercedes to the mix...

It was a chaotic recipe waiting to happen.

“I'm sure they can wait, Ferg.” Celine frowned when his glistened eyes didn't lighten like they always would. She knew he didn't want to spend any more time away from her, she could see it ever time he leaves for a match.

Really, she didn't want to be apart from him too. Especially not after what happened. Celine couldn't stand the thought of losing him again. Their love was not worth giving up. Going back to that dark place was not an option.

But she really needed to spend some time with Pam and Mercy. They were her friends too.

Swiftly turning around in his arms, she placed her hands on his neck, tenderly playing with the soft, dark hairs on his nape. “Please? I haven't had a girls day out since forever and I really want to see the other female superstars.”

As usual, her gorgeous brown eyes played with his heartstrings. He desperately wanted to say no because of that damn woman standing behind her, but risking raising suspicion wasn't an option. He didn't want her to ask questions.

So he grimly and reluctantly nodded in response, “Alright.”

“Yay!” Pam squealed as Celine pecked his lips and wiggled her way out of his grasp. She took her hand, “Oh, let's go tell the others. You coming, Sash?”

“I'll catch up.” Mercy nodded towards them. Celine blew a kiss towards them and ran off with Pamela to God knows where, leaving Finn to face the devil incarnate.

With clenched fists, he hissed sharply, hoping to frighten her, “What's your game, Mercedes?”

Even when his eyes flashed with rage, she remained completely unfazed. In fact, she smiled gleefully, realizing that the Demon King was threatening to resurface.

Oh, she wanted him to come out so he could play. This game, it was dangerous, you see? Mercedes wanted to see just how long either of them could last, which one of them will get burned first.

“You know what the game is.” she cocked her head to the side, licking her cherry colored lips, further infuriating him. “All I want... Is for you to play.”

Finn could play. He wanted her to suffer. He wanted her to burn in the depths of hell from where she came from. He wanted so badly to risk it all. But Celine...

She wouldn't look at him the same again if she found out. She'd never be in his arms again. She wouldn't hesitate to walk out of his life if Mercedes manipulates her, makes her see that he's just like Joshua Lewis.

He couldn't risk that. Her love brought him love, it was the light of his world. There was nothing more he wanted in his life than Celine Bevis. And that alone was enough to make him decide not to be a part ofwhatever Mercedes was planning.

Shaking his head, he grits his teeth to carefully spit out, “Not gonna happen.”


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It has been a while since I've updated, I've been super busy. But I'm so glad to have reached 10k on this ridiculous book, thank you guys so much💖





Peace out

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