13| Real Life

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Mixed tag team.

Mixed tag team with Finn.

I'm Finn's tag partner...

Sasha Banks had never been more extatic in her entire life. The thought of being inside that ring with him, kicking ass and taking names, receiving cheers from all their fans and everything. They've been together since NXT. Being in the main roster just made everything better. For their careers and their friendship.

Just their friendship...

But something about that word made her hate herself. They're friends, best friends. Nothing more. But even as a married woman, Mercedes couldn't keep her eyes from wandering around those toned abs and getting lost into those beautiful blue eyes.

For so long, she's been dying to be more than just his friend. She wanted to be his girlfriend, his wife, the mother of his children, the love of his life. That ring on her finger kept her from doing that, it restrained her from chasing that forbidden dream. But it never stopped her from fantasizing about it.

The giddy butterflies in her stomach erupted in her stomach from the moment Kurt Angle announced it on the WWE Network. For so long, she's been hoping to spend more time with her best friend, while building up her extravagant career.

“You ready for this?” Sasha chirped happily as she smiled brightly at the Irish wrestler. Ever since she found out that Finn is her tag partner, she's been on cloud nine. Who wouldn't be when you have one of the best fighting by your side? It was a guaranteed win.

Finn sighed, forcing a smile that didnt quite reach his eyes, “As I'll ever be.”

The purple haired female frowned. He wasn't himself these days. Sasha spent weeks watching her best friend slowly deteriorating, thinking that maybe he'll get over Celine Bevis. She thought that British cookie was just a fling, a one time thing that'll pass soon enough. Maybe, she might have been mistaken.

Whatever Celine and Fergal's relationship was must've been serious. And that made Mercedes question everything about it. Did they have sex? What was it like? What did they normally talk about? Just how deep were his feelings were for her? Did Fergal like Celine as much as Mercy liked Finn? Did Celine like Finn as much as he liked her or was she just using him

There were a lot of things unclear about their relationship. Mercy prefered to stay away from them because it stung to see Ferg so happy without her. But all in all, she was happy for him. She was happy that he found someone who could make hin smile no matter what day it was. “Are you OK?”

Oh, who am I kidding? He's far from that.

“Not really... ” She was right. And sometimes, it sucks to be right.

He didn't even bother to lie. It was painful to see how much he didn't even try to be the happy go lucky mnemonic that he once was anymore. Anyone could see that losing his British girlfriend had taken a huge toll on him, it changed him.

Nowadays, Fergal rarely socialized with anyone. He barely ate, was hardly seen or heard from on social media. He didn't even say much in their group chats. He's changing and it is not for the better.

Mercedes hated Celine so much right now. Couldn't that girl see how much Ferg suffered because of her? Didn't she have the decency to just end whatever it was they had without any heartbreak?

“Did you see Mason's tweet?” she asked, noticing how Finn's jaw suddenly clenched.

“I did.” he stated curtly. That was all he had to say? No, there had to be more.

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