29| Real life

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CELINE BEVIS CLIPPED on her earrings with pursed lips while thinking of how her search came to a dead end. She had asked three of her boyfriend's most trusted friends and none of them knew what was going on. Nor had they even noticed that Fergal was acting strangely until she mentioned it. 

Bayley said maybe she was being paranoid and that he'll tell her and that it probably wasn't a big deal. Kevin said that he probably stole her pizza again and that his guilt was finally catching up to him. Rami, however, he grew worried because he was closest to Fergal. 

"I don't know what it might be, but I guarantee that it can't break you too." were his words as the ginger tried to reassure her.

"I know, but I've never seen him like that. It was like... He was afraid that I would break if he told me." she admitted lowly with tears in her eyes. Tucking the loose strands from her messy bun behind her ears, she looked to the skies, praying for some sort of answer from the heavens above. "I just don't want to lose him again, Rami."

With him, she'd had some wonderfully stable times. Fergal Devitt meant more to her than any man she'd ever known. She gave him her heart, trusting his ability, his strength, his loyalty, his being, his love. She blindly gave him her heart because that is all she could do after being starved of him for so long.

Yet now, at the back of her mind, she wondered if she was right to do so. To trust him so wholeheartedly, to let her soul worship him. The last time she gave her heart to a man, it was shattered. 

Many had told her, after finding out that she was dating again, that she was so brave to remain the soft soul she was before Josh. Celine became an inspiration to some who were scared to love, but were even more terrified of loneliness. The way she is now could've been different from back then because of what her ex did. She could've been closed off, cold as ice, hardened and distant. She could've been as desolate as the scorching desert.

But no.

Celine Bevis was a paradise. Warm, filled with love, full of life. With a smile that thaws the ice like the beginning of spring after a long and harsh winter. With a heart purer than gold, it could end wars in an instant. She was literally heaven on earth. Even after suffering, even after crying. She took all that pain and let it wash over her back like water over stone, like it was nothing. There was nothing that can change how she is.

Celine stared at her reflection in the mirror. Her cheeks glowed with a radiant shade of pink and her eyelids a soft lilac dream that whispered innocence to anyone who took their first glance at the Brit. A French braid tied her hair, laying it on her ride shoulder. 

Mercedes and Saraya invited her for a girls day out, a time to blow off some steam after weeks of work. She was more than obliged to join them and perhaps, maybe they can help her figure out what was wrong with Finn.

She stood up and headed to the bathroom to look for her hand sanitizer, but jumped at the loud buzzing sound on the dresser. A she stopped to catch her breath, she looked back. The sound came from Fergal's phone. 

Then a thought came to her.

Maybe I could take a peak. She immediately shook her head, berating herself for even thinking of invading her boyfriend's privacy like that. But then she's lent him her phone dozens of times when he asked her to and it was usually to take selfies. She knew that he probably surfed through her personal stuff too. She didn't mind for she had nothing to hide. Ok, maybe the old embarrassing conversations between her and Mason about their childhood memories. Now that, she'd pay to keep hidden.

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