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I SAW THE interview. You looked absolutely stunning, love.” As usual, her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice. It was like a voice command that controlled her, manipulating her by force and she couldn't deny the feeling that gave her.

“Thanks, Ferg.” she squeaked timidly, looking down as she flattened the small creases on her dress. Sometimes, she just wished she was just horrifying in his eyes so she didn't have to suffer the embarrassment of being complimented.

“Ellen sure didn't go easy on you.” Fergal snickered lowly, which Celine rolled her eyes at before having to swiftly move her phone away from her ear.

A high pitched scream nearly busted her ear drums, “ARE YOU KIDDING? ELLEN PRACTICALLY GRILLED HER!”

She heard a few laughs in the background. He must be with the others. Of coarse he wouldn't watch the show on his own. Celine could almost feel the glare Finn sent to whoever it was who loudly commented as he said, “Thank you for the input, Alexis.”

“She's never easy on anyone, Ferg.” she giggled, shaking her head at their antics. Especially Ellen's because she's quite the trickster herself, “Do you know she spooked the living daylights out of me just before the show? I nearly jumped out if my skin!”

Her skin formed goosebumps when she heard his wonderful laugh. The thought of his smile made her grin and she felt proud of herself for being the reason for his happiness. How could she have been so blessed to meet someone so extraordinary?

A momentary silence passed, Celine became nervous while waiting for his response. “You could've told her the truth, ya know?”

Surprise overwhelmed her as she asked with a shaky breath, “Y-you would've been alright with it?”

They've been under the radiar for so long, and it was a miracle Rami didn't rat them out on social media with the photos he took of their...moment. For that, she was extremely greatful and somewhat offended by the invasion of privacy. Maybe it was time to let people know and finally confirm part of what they've been thinking.

“Only if you are, love.” Fergal responded huskily, sending shivers down her spine. Boy, did she wish she was dating him. The pictures of him that Ellen showed on the screen were still implanted in her mind. She could practically feel his toned arms wrapped around her as they hugged.

Since they weren't official, Celine feared touching him because of how he might react. All she simply wants is to touch those godly abs of his as she enjoys the wonderful taste of his lips on hers. She sighed deeply, trying to clear her mind.

Maybe she should've told the truth. She will have to at some point, but... At what cost? Being hounded by fans and journalists isn't exactly fun. She didn't want to sacrifice her privacy, but the thought of being able to walk freely in public with Fergal Devitt sounded appealing.

And in her train of thought, her eyes caught the sight of a familiar male walking towards Ellen. His brown hair was slicked back as usual and the metalic blue suit he wore shone in the dimmed lights. A gasp got caught in her throat as her eyes widened, “Oh, no...”

“What is it?” she barely heard the Irish man ask and nearly dropped her phone as her hands suddenly became shaky. Celine felt like her lungs lacked oxygen, she slowly backed away from the entrance to the stage, “Love, are you OK?”

Tears gathered around her eyes, but none fell. There was no doubt about it; he was here. She frantically looked around as she realized that Finn– oh, god, no... “F-Fergal, are you still watching the show?”

The Cupid Series ↬ Finn BálorWhere stories live. Discover now