30| DM's + Real Life

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|I know what you think of me

|I'm a cheating bastard. A liar. A homewrecker.
I'm no better than Joshua, in fact, I'm worse

|But just know that I was intending on letting you know

|And that this wasn't how you were to find out

|I love you, Celine and I always will

|Remember that...


"Are you happy now?" Fergal seethed through his teeth as he stormed into Sasha's personal locker room. Hell, Finn didn't even like the fact that she's the current Raw Woman's Champion. His eyes burning with an untamed fury that corroded his heart with guilt and utter pain as he faced the woman who ruined his life. "Is this what you wanted? To see me miserable?!"

The sight of her sickened him. He wanted nothing more than to hurt her for losing Celine, but deep down he knew that he had to take a fair share of the blame. Telling Celine what really went down between him and Mercy should've been the first thing he did. It would've been a bitter pill to swallow, but the sweetest lies seemed like a better option.

As he looked at Mercedes now, who was clad in her ring gear, blue leather strapped around her arms, matching her revealing top and shorts, as well as boots, he felt the guilt overwhelming him. That night was a distant memory coming to haunt him. He once held that body close, begging for a release. The body that belonged to someone else, the body that wasn't his to hold, to use.

Celine doesn't want or need a man who takes what doesn't belong to him. She deserves better... Far, far better.

Mercy tried to speak, "Finn-"

"You are nothing but a selfish little slut." he callously spat, wishing that somehow, his emotions could immediately make her disintegrate into nothing. Fergal was done being nice, he was done holding back the truth from her. Now, he had nothing keeping him grounded, he lost his reason for being a good guy.

"You don't mean that." her voice cracked, she blinked, feeling the tears sprinkle her eyes. Mercy never thought he would snap like this. He wasn't one to say things like this to her, or anyone. Her fists clenched as she stepped forward, "I don't deserve to be treated like this-"

Fergal suddenly chuckled darkly, cutting her off with such malice. Of coarse she would say something like this. She never took responsibility for her actions. She never wanted to accept the consequences of her mistakes.

Mercedes was nothing like Celine. She was vicious, cruel and downright manipulative. Whatever it is that gave her the right to think it was OK to hurt other people the way she hurt Celine was the reason he could never love her.

He turned to her, giving her a mocking grin as he towered over her frame, "Oh, you want to talk about what you don't deserve?"

"Yeah, let's talk about that." she immediately shot back, anger flooding her veins like venom. "I don't deserve to have you talk shit about me when all I've done is pour my heart and soul out to you. I don't deserve this treatment, especially after I've given myself to you!"

The Cupid Series ↬ Finn BálorWhere stories live. Discover now