19| Real life

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"GOOD TO SEE YOU again, sis." Celine Bevis had sighed deeply as she happily embraced her older sister. It's been a while since they've been like this. It's been too long since they've bonded, or even seen each other.

Saraya gulped down the threatening tears and briskly whispered into Celine's ear, "Good to see you too..."

All the pain the two have been through wasn't to be uttered... Because it was shared in their hearts. It's been weighing down on them for far too long.

"I'm sorry." Saraya barely uttered before sniffling, hugging her little sister tighter in her arms than ever before. The guilt has been slowly killing her; Instead of being parient, she left Celine alone and jumped to conclusions about things she should've known weren't true. Saraya despised herself for that and she never wanted anything as stupid as men to come between her and her baby sibling.

"i know you are." Celine reciprocated the gesture of love. She didn't want to let go either. Her sister might have been harsh and impatient, but she meant well. So it was so easy to forgive her.

Like it was to forgive Fergal...

For all Celine knew, Ferg couldn't care less about her right now. He could yell at her, or ignore her. He could say the nastiest of things, but all she would want to do is to see him. Just catch a glimpse of him, all of him. Not on TV, but in the flesh and everything will be alright. That's all the younger Bevis wished for.

"The show's about to begin..." said Saraya before she paused to stare at her. She could see the longing in Celine's eyes. "Are you here to see him?"

Celine gulped deeply as she stared into Saraya's dark orbs. Of coarse she was here to see Finn. It's what she's wanted since the moment they were separated. It's what she's needed from the first night she didn't receive a good night text from him.

She wanted to beg him to listen, to hear her out and tell her that her trusts her. She wanted to be in his arms once more and kiss him like the world would end at any given second. She wanted him to share his childhood moments, both good and bad, his experiences, his losses and wins, she wanted him... She needed him.

Her breaths became shallow. The walls of her calm state came crashing down. Celine placed her hand over her mouth to muffle the deep sob while the tears flowed out like rivers. Her chest throbbed with a bitter sadness that threatened to choke her heart.

Saraya had her in her arms once again, nearly releasing a few more tears of her own but held back. She felt Celine shaking her head as she frantically cried out, "I can't bare being away from him any longer, Raya, it's-"

A shuddering breath cut her off, her small figure wrecked with sobs in her older sisters firm embrace. She too has cried over what was left. She knows the pain of being separated from the love of her life. "it's too much."

"Hey, hey, shh..." Saraya cooed softly, gently rubbing her back. "I know for a fact that he feels the same. Hey, Listen to me-"

She pulled back and kept her hands on Celine's shoulders while looking her straight in the eyes with a serious expression. "You are going to go in there and find him. And when you do, you are going to tall to him and you're going to get back what you've lost. Are we clear?"

Celine smiled, wiped away the tears and nodded. "That's my girl."


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