28| Real Life

997 14 3

Monday Night Raw, San Antonio, Texas


A SMILE FOUND IT'S WAY to her lips as she heard the familiar sound of his theme song. Quickly covering her ears as it got noiser around her, she stood up as well as the rest of the crowd did and looked toward the ramp.

Butterflies erupted in her stomach as her eyes caught the sight of Finn Bálor, along with Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson. For a long time that night, she kept herself hidden from his eyes during his promo with his friends versus the dysfunctional team of Seth Rollins and Jason Jordan.

The young man tried too hard. His character was far too annoying, but she was sure he was a nice person otherwise.

As Finn and his team advanced down the ramp, she removed her beanie when noticing him scanning the arena once again.

When his eyes met hers, their souls were set on fire. It struck him how gorgeous she looked. Her skin wasn't as pale as her sisters, her eyes weren't as dark, her radent smile didn't scream crazy. She was the total opposite of Paige. Not that it mattered, but he loved it. He loved every bit of her fair skin, honey brown hair and chocolate hued eyes. He loved her flustered cheeks. He loved how her presence didn't fit with that of the fans, how she was clearly an indoor person. He loved how her happy, yet nervous smile reminded him of what innocence was.

All he could think was, she's here, she's right over there, she's right there. Everything felt worth living for, all the time he waited for her, all the hours he counted until this moment were all worth it. Nothing could tear him down at this point.

All his movements stopped while his hands blocked Luke and Karl from walking. Both looked at him questionably, "What's wrong, Finn?"

He merely grinned widely, not taking his eyes off Celine and points to her. Both men follow his line of sight until the smile upon seeing her flushed face hidden behind her hands. Adorable was one way to describe her.

Dressed in a denim button down dress and blue hoodie, the bottom part of her outfit was hidden behind the barricade.

Seth, who was standing in the ring also glanced to the barricades, grinding his teeth at the sight of her. He was surprised, yes, but didn't like the fact that she was here for another man.

Luke and Karl make their way toward her, grinning widely with open arms as the embrace her small figure over the barrier. Few fans tapped their shoulders, screaming as they did so, much to their amusement. Finn followed behind, looking down at his boots as two friends stepped aside to let him see her.

When his eyes met hers once again, his breath hitched. For that moment, the noise drowned out. They were alone in their own world, both saying their greetings without uttering a word. He smiled, rising his 'Too Sweet' sign for her to connect with. Gallows and Anderson do the same, urging her to do it.

"Too sweet!"

"Too sweet!"

"Too sweet!"

The arena cheered loudly, encouraging her to join the gang. Celine buried her face in her hands, laughing shyly as all the attention was directed to her.

His heart burst with joy the second she raised her hand, joining them, and officially joining the Bálor Club.


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