29| Real Life

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A small voice startled him from behind as he wrapped a towel around his neck. Finn had just taken a shower after the beating he took from Seth Rollins.

Never in his life has he felt so humiliated. Nothing had burned out his pride into ashes like what happened to him an hour ago. Seth got what he wanted. He proved who was the better man. Finn hoped that the brunette had mercy on him.

He stiffled a shuddering breath when he felt her warm hand on his shoulder blade. The contact felt comforting, yet excruciatingly painful. For the first time in a very long time, Fergal Devitt felt exposed. Finn Bálor wasn't there anymore. His confidence was diminished.

Celine stood by him, barely noticing the bruise forming on the back of his neck. Her hand left his back to brush the wound with her cold fingers, which envoked a slight shiver from him. The earlier scene playing in her mind and it refused to stop. Her guilt had turned into some kind of demon that tautned her. "If only there were words to explain how sorry I am for what happened."

Finn slowly turned around, and finally saw her. He could finally see her up close. He could finally hold her. She's right here, that voice came back. In that moment, his previous failure didn't matter. She's all he wanted. She's all he's been waiting for. She was right here, standing in front of him. With a look of pure guilt on her gorgeous features.

Hell, she's even apologizing... For something that wasn't even her fault.

No, far from it. She had no idea Seth would go off script and pull out something so forbidden to hurt her like that. "Yer not to blame, love."

Her frown disagreed with him but didn't matter. He took her hand in his; his icy fingertips sliding down the soft skin of her wrist, feeling her warm palm on his skin and pulled her closer as he spoke, "Now come a little closer so I can give you a hug."

That alone nearly made her shiver in delight as she didn't hesitate to lean into his embrace and laid her head on the crook of his neck, breathing in the fresh musky scent of his cologne. The whole scenario of meeting Fergal for the first time went far better in her head than reality, but it still fit. It was still a lot better than having one being upset with the other.

Celine's presence cleared all his negative thoughts. Despite losing to Seth Rollins not too long ago, he cared more about having this girl in his arms than anything else in the moment. Her presence overwhelmed him with absolute joy, pure bliss that couldn't compare with anything he's ever felt about any woman and god, she smells like fresh strawberries.

Both of them enjoyed being in each other's embrace and neither showed any intention to pull away. Moments passed before she whispered, "It's great to finally meet you, Fergal Devitt."

"Likewise, Celine Bevis." Fergal responds with a smile, deeply inhaling her scent once more as if to store it in the darkest ends of his mind.

At this point, nothing could ruin this moment.


Well... almost nothing...

"He got to her first!" Bayley had shouted spitefully, her hands in her hair just as Fergal and Celine quickly pulled away from each other, both incredibly flustered. Sasha, Sami, Kevin, Alexa, Nia, Luke and Karl followed behind her, all eager to meet the Scream Queen's younger sister. Without realizing it, Celine held on to the Irish man's hand while standing behind timidly him. The concept of meeting new people always made her reluctant and she tended to act like a kindergardener.

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