Chapter One

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"Please, please, please! I promise I won't tell!" Jungkook pleaded his older brother jimin about his "important" mission.

"No Jungkook, and that's final," he said sternly.

Jungkook crossed his arms, pouting.

"You never tell me anything!" Jungkook yelled.

Jimin rolled his eyes, and sat down next to the pouting boy.

"It's a secret and I can't tell you the secret because it wouldn't be a secret anymore," Jimin told his calmly.

Jungkook mumbles and ok.

Jungkwon came downstairs with suit on.

"Hey hyung, Hey kooks," he greeted ruffling jungkooks hair.

"Hey Kwon-ie," Jungkook mumbles.

"It's about time, you took forever." Jimin complained.

Jungkwon was going to get an interview for a job at Kim Enterprise, the top company in Seoul. Jimin works there and helped his brothers get an application for the job.

"Jungkook, we're about to leave," Jimin announced.

"Bye bye, and good luck at your interview," Jimin and Jungkwon said goodbye and left.

Leaving Jungkook and JeonSouk in the house by themselves.


"So when do you plan on feeling him?" Jungkwon ask Jimin.

Jimin worked in a gang or mafia. Jungkwon and Jungguk know about it because he had to let them know to protect Jungkook, even though they're the same age.

"Never, because he doesn't need to know as long as I'm alive,"

"That's the thing, what if one day you don't come back alive?" Jimin stayed quiet.

For the simple fact that he hadn't thought about not coming back alive, it wasn't always the serious when he did his work. They've never went up against something big, except one time when he first started.

Jungkook never was a person who asked questions a lot or made problems but lately he's been starting to catch onto Jimin's job.

They stayed quiet the whole way to the company.

Jungkwon was worried about his older brother being in the mafia because of how he could lose his older brother. He definitely didn't want his innocent triplet to be apart of it either.

Pushing those thoughts aside, he was nervous about his interview with the CEO of the company. He's a trainee along with his 2 brothers but he has to have an interview with Kim Yugyeom.(Jungguk already had his interview)

They finally pull up to Kim Enterprises, seeing the company was just like seeing it for the first time. Jungkwon hoped that the boss wouldn't be an asshole, especially when Jungkook is going to meet him tomorrow.

Jimin and Jungkwon walks inside the building and walk to the elevator.

"Good luck,"

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