Chapter Five(part 2)

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This is a continuation of chapter 5(part 1)

JeonSouk POV

I watch as my boyfriend run around the store looking for clothes. We've been to at least 3 store in the past 2 hours. I'm very impatient and get bored easily so this was hell for me.

"Tae~" I whine out, "We've been here forever," Tae walk up to me and puts both hands on my cheeks and squeeze them together.

"We literally just walked through the door," Ok maybe I over exaggerated a little bit with the hours, but it's sooo boring. "But-but it's so boring~" Tae laughs and pecks my lips, and walks away.

"Hey, come back! I wanted to do something in the dressing room," he stops right in his tracks and come walking back over to me. "No, we are not having sex in a dressing room," he whisper shouts to me.

"Aww babe, why not? You know you want too."

(A/N: Should I make Tae top or bottom? I'll let y'all choose, normally I'm more of a top Taehyung. But since he's not paired with Jungkook then I can probably make and exception.)

"No I don't want to, now come on." He pulls me to the clothes section and when his back is turned I start to grope him. I wasn't as successful because I did once and he grabbed my hand.

"Look we can do whatever you want, once we leave the store." He tries to reason, "But babes I thought you liked taking risks and dares, this can be one of them." Tae sighs in defeat.

"Fine, only because you got me hard," I laugh as head drags me toward the dressing rooms.


Namjoon POV

There's something about the guy sitting at the table next to the window. Not trying to be creepy but I've been watching him. He comes everyday and orders the same thing, and stay for the same amount of time.

Whenever I see him turn his head to look at me, I quickly look away. He's just to pretty not to stare at.

But right now I'm in front of this guy, I swear I didn't say anything mean and now he wants to beat me up.

"What your name?" The handsome guy ask me. I look down at the table, fiddling with my fingers before looking up at him again.

"N-namjoon, Kim Namjoon." Way to go coward, you're acting like some teenager with a crush. "Cute, my name is Jung Hoseok," That's such a handsome name.

"Nice to meet you," I say nervously, "There's no need to be afraid, I've seen you stare at me for the past month. Why didn't you come and talk to me?" I sit frozen when he mentioned me staring at him, was it that obvious?

"I-I don't know," he hums in reply, he looked at his watch, "I gotta run, can I get your number?" He ask getting up and putting down money. I don't know where the pen and paper came from, but I pick up the pen and write it on the paper.

He grabs the paper, and before he leaves he kisses my cheek, "See you later cutie," and he walks out of the shop. I blush bright red and bring my hand up to my cheek.

"Hyung! Are you ok?" I look over and see Jungkook standing there looking worried. "I'm fine, don't worry." I smile at him.

I feel my vibrate in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from an unknown number.

I feel my vibrate in my pocket and I take it out to see a text from an unknown number

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"Hyung are you ready?" Jungkookie asks me. I put my phone away and nod, standing up.

I put my arm out for him to link onto, "Let's go,"


Yoongi's POV

"She isn't right for you Yoongi," I roll my eyes at my fathers words. He's always had a problem with Suran, just because her father works in a different company.

"Dad, you haven't even met her. Yet you always saying she's not right for me," he grunts at my reply.

"Yoongi what would your mother think?" He ask me. Ever since my mom left my dad he's been bringing her up in every situation, even though he's remarried.

Yet he never talk about this stuff with my younger brother. It's seriously annoying.

"She would be disappointed that you're trying to not let me date who I wanna date," I storm out.


Who should be Yoongi's younger brother? You can choose anyone from any group or BTS.

Please choose a brother for Yoongi

Please choose

I'm going to make Tae Versatile meaning he tops and bottoms. But the first smut I do with him, you can choose

I'm sorry Yoongi's POV isn't long.


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