Chapter Twelve

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Third POV

Ever since Bobby and Jungkook started being friends they've been hanging out together. Bobby was taking Jungkook away from his family and friends. Every time Jungkook tries to hang out with his other friends, Bobby will steal him away.

For which Jungkook can't say no.

"Jungkook, you need to start spending time with your hyung." Jimin says. Jimin has barely seen his younger brother these days.

"Hyung, I-I have plans with Bobby already." Jungkook says.

"Did you tell him we had plans when you canceled on me?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook lowered his head in shame, "Yes, I did bu-"

"No buts, you can cancel on him sometimes too." Jimin whispers.

"Okay hyung, I will." Jungkook says taking his phone out of his pocket.

Jungkook calls bobby, and waits for him to answer. "Hello Bobby," he greeted. "Hey Jungkook, are you ready to go to the movies,"

"Actually, I won't be able to make it." Jungkook said politely, "Aww really I ho—" Jimin snatched the phone from Jungkook's hand.

"He can't come, he's with his brother. Bye." He said and hung up. Jungkook looked at his brother in shock.

"Hyung!" Jungkook whined, Jimin smiled. "Now, lets have some highly awaited sibling time."


"Fuck!" The boss yelled out, banging his fist against the table, standing up in the process. "We almost had him,"

Bobby rolls his eyes in annoyance. "It's literally one day, no need to get your balls in a twist."

"The longer we wait the more Yugyeom gets the upper hand," The boss goes to his glass cabinet and pulls out a glock 47.

"I think we should do something more, you know to get sweetheart in my hands a lot sooner. The boss hands the gun to Bobby.

Bobby taking the gun and putting it in his pocket. "Why don't I just go for Yugyeom myself," Bobby walks toward the door. "My treat,"

"No, you need to go for someone close to him." The boss says as he sits down at his desk.

"Got it," Bobby says before he walks out, shutting the door behind him.


"It's been weeks," Taehyung says to Yugyeom. "You haven't even bothered to talk to him."

Yugyeom looks up from his computer, "I'm letting him have his space. I honestly could care less," He shrugged and turned back to his computer.

Taehyung scoffed, "Yeah okay, excuse my language but you look like shit." Yugyeom glares at the older.

"You have bags under your eyes, you stay drinking that cold ass coffee which in my opinion eww, because who the hell drinks coffee. You're like and old man, which is—"

"Your point," Yugyeom interrupted his ranting. "Oh yeah, the point is you need him." Yugyeom was getting ready to object but Taehyung put his hand out.

"Whether you want to admit it or not, just talk to him or give him a call." Taehyung says and grabs Yugyeoms coffee off the desk. "I'll take this and bring you something better." He continues and walks out.

Yugyeom looks at his phone on his desk and picks it up.

Is this a good idea?

He dials Jungkook's number and waits for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Jungkook answers the phone in a whisper.

Yugyeom feels himself smile, "Jungkook! Hi yes, umm what are you doing?"

"Yugyeom? I'm hiding from Jimin, I took my phone from him, but hi it's nice to hear from you...wait no it's not." Yugyeom could tell he had a pout on his face.

So cute!

Yugyeom heart drops, "Why is it not nice to hear from me?"

"Because Jimin told me to not like you anymore, but it's okay I still do," Jungkook says with a giggle.

"Oh okay, umm will you be coming into work soon?"

"Yes of course-Jimin! Sorry I'll call you back," and the phone hangs up.

Yugyeom puts his phone down with a smile on his face.


This chapter is short as hell, I'm sorry for this long wait.🤦🏾‍♀️
I left for a year and I'm still a shitty writer this year lol.
I finally decided to write when I'm taking this break for myself...hope you liked it, if you didn't...I still have love for you.

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