Chapter Ten

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Third POV

"I'm Young K," he says.

"well it was nice meeting you, Young whatever the fuck your name is." Yugyeom says irritated.

"Yugyeom don't be so rude, I'm sorry for his rude behavior." Jungkook apologizes.

Young K chuckles, "It's fine, really." he snaps his fingers and two other guys walk up behind him.

"You'll know my name soon enough." he says while staring at Yugyeom with a smirk on his face.

Jungkook looks at Young K confused, "what do you mean by that?" he ask.

"Nothing to be worried about sweetheart." Young K winks at Jungkook which causes him to blush.

Before anyone can say anything else the three men walk off and leave the restaurant.

"well that was weird," someone says and grunts of agreement are heard.

"I have a weird feeling about him, he lo-" Yugyeom gets cut off with a scream.

They look toward the direction the scream was heard from and saw a women crying next to a man with a bullet in his chest, blood seeping out.

Another bullet shoots through the window and shoots her in the head.

Yugyeom and his friends get their guns out, "Yugyeom whats going on?" Jungkook asks tears threatening to spill from his eyes.

"I don't know, just get down under the table," Jungkook scrambles under the table.

More bullets come through and Yugyeom and his friends start shooting outside, screams from women are heard and Jungkook gets his phone out.

He calls Jimin, "Hello?" he answers.

"H-hyung!" Jungkook calls out crying. "Yes! Kookie what's wrong?" he ask worriedly.

"T-They're shooting and I'm hiding under the table, I-I'm really scared."

"Where are you? Is Yugyeom with you? Fuck!" He shouts frustrated.

"Just stay under the table," he instructs.

The table next to Jungkook crashes as some guy in all black was on top of it, he looked over at and tried crawling toward him.

we he was close enough Jungkook kicked him in the face, "Get away from me!" he screamed as he repeatedly kicked him, making the guy pass out.

"Jungkook, are you ok?" Yugyeom asks getting down to meet his eyes.

Jungkook nods and then gets from under the table, he sees another man behind Yugyeom.

"Look behind you!" he says that and just when Yugyeom was about to turn around he got knocked out.

the man looks at Jungkook and he gets into fighting stance.

the man tries the punch Jungkook and Jungkook dodges the hit, punching the man in the stomach.

the man stumbles back into a table from the force of the hit, he tries swinging again but missing and Jungkook kicks him in the groin.

he groans in pain, and another guy walks in with a gun in his hand.

jungkook looked in and seen that it was Young K, "hey sweetheart," he smiles weirdly.

"What are you doing?" jungkook ask, "didnt you leave?"

Young K looks nervous and  laughs, "I had heard about something from my friend down here and came back." he explains shratching the back of his head.

Yugyeom makes a groan of pain as he gets up, grabbing his gun in the process.

"Yugyeom! are you ok?" Jungkook asks worriedly.

Young K lets out a noise of annoyance, "what are you doing here?" Yugyeom ask.

Ignoring Yugyeom's question Young K walk up to Jungkook, and yugyeom pulls Jungkook back behind him.

"You should go," Yugyeom says.

Young K chuckles, "We shall meet again sweetheart," and he leaves.


"Here's a file," he slaps it down on the table.

A man grabs it, "What's this for?"

"The person you're going to be," he responds.


"You're going to become his friend," the boss says.

The man looks at the file and reads the name.

"Bobby?" The man, now named Bobby, asks.

"Yes, now go get some rest." He pauses and gives Bobby a pair of glasses.

"Tomorrow you're meeting your new friend,"



I finally updated, I made a New Years resolution.... to freaking update more and make longer chapters🙂

Happy Late New Years🎉


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