Chapter Four

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*Two months later*
Yugyeom POV

It's been two months since Jungkook has been my assistant and lately he's been looking really fuck-able. I mean yeah he's innocent and all, but I take a lot of strength to not pounce on him.

"Mr.Kim I made brownies last night, would you like one?" I look up to Jungkook holding out a place with brownies covered in plastic wrap.

"Don't worry when I made them my hands were clean, and I brought four. Two for me and two for you, unless you want three then you can have three and I'll have one," Jungkook rambles on.

I put a hand up to stop him from talking, he puts the plate down and unwraps the plastic wrap. He takes one out and hands it to me.

I take it from him so I won't get his feelings,he stares at me anxiously, waiting for me to Are a bite. I bring the snack up to my nose as smell it, he looks as if he was sad."

"Don't take this offensive, I do this with everything." He looks at me with huge doe eyes and continues starring.

I take a bite and fuck, this is delicious. I nod my head and give him a thumbs up. He squeals and take another brownie from the plate, and bites into it. I watch him and take in his features, and they're actually really feminine.
(As a baby face type of way)

Starting with his mouth, he lips are small and cute. When he smiles he looks like s bunny. Next is his little dimple he has when he scrunchs his face up. Finally his eyes, his Bambi doe eyes are so adorable it makes him look innocent. Even though he is, but you get my point.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" I hear him ask innocently. I was caught by surprise and choked on my brownie. "Oh my gosh, I'll get you some water!" He yells out in surprise, he get a cup from the water machine and pours me some. He rushes back over to me, spilling some water in the process.

He gives it to me and I drink it, "I'm so sorry Mr.Kim, I shouldn't have asked. If you want to fire me I understand, I'm such a i-"

"BE QUIET, you're not getting fired but stop talking. It's fine," I shout at him. He steps back, putting his head down in shame. I see a few tears leak from his eyes.

"Are you a baby or something? Instead of crying, clean that water that you spilled!" I didn't mean to make him cry but he's a grown man, he shouldn't cry just for being yelled at.

His ears get really red and he wipes his tears, "I WAS JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU, NEXT TIME I'LL LET YOU DIE! Wait I didn't mean that but I'll let someone else save you. Stupid meanie!" He yells and walks out my office with a slam.

My pants tighten, cause holy shit that was hot.
Ugh, kids.


Jungkook POV

"Kookie you should quit," I don't answer because I need this job and Mr.Kim is super cute.

"But Joonie hyung, I need this job." I whine to him. Namjoon is my best friend, and my hyung. We are at his house, sitting on the couch eating ice cream.

"Anyway tell me about the boy," I say anxiously. I see him blush before putting setting his spoon down.

"He's a regular at the cafe," is all he told me. "Well do you know his name? Do you talk to him?" He shakes his head.

"It's ok, there's still time." I tell him.

I have to give him encouragement sometimes, because we both have bad insecurities. He's super nice though and has a pet Squirrel and crab.

He's the best and I love Namjoon.


I feel like giving up on this story, it's boring and chapters are too short.

Excuse any mistakes


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