Chapter Five(part 1)

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This chapter will be about the brothers and their relationships, also including Namjoons and Yoongi's relationships.


Sehun POV

"I'll have you're money, please spare." Some guy who owned me money begged. I love when they beg, but he's an old man(38) and it's gross.

"Cute (Jackson voice), but I already have a baby to beg for me. Also you've said this the last 7 months," I tell him thinking of my baby boy.

"Please Lord S, spear me I'll have the money in by tomorrow! Please!" The guy pleads.

I look at my two workers holding the man and wave my hand towards them. Mentioning to kill him, they got he message and started to drag him out, with the sounds of his pleads.

I pull out my phone and go to a contact.

Jungkwon POV

"Hey baby," I blush, we've been talking for two months and he's always calling me baby. We went on multiple dates last month and I know god would be mad, but we ended up in the same bed together on the last one.

"Hyung~ stop," I whine and he chuckles, "What baby? You are my baby," I don't answer, but he laughs anyway.

"Anyway, what are you doing baby?" He ask. "I'm about to go on break,"

"How about I come down there,"

"If you want to," I hear the phone line go dead.

I finish my work and when I walk to the lobby I see 2 women surrounding Sehun, I rush over to them. "Hey baby," Sehun says pushing the two ladies away from him. He pulls me closer and kisses me on the lips.

I hurry and pull away before it got to heated, noticing the women left I grab Sehun's hand. We exit the building with Sehun leading me to his car. Once we get there Sehun opens the back door, I looked at him with confusion until he push me back getting inside the car closing the door behind him.

He kisses me roughly, our tongues fighting for dominance. He won. He gently puts his hand on my clothed member, palming it. I moan softly in his mouth.

"Nggh, fuck."

Jimin POV

"Babe it's your decision, we'll technically it's his decision but it's whatever," my boyfriend Soekjin tells me. We were talking about my baby brother Jungkookie. I honestly don't want him working there for mafia reasons, but he is an adult so it s his decision. But still.

"I'm just worried about him, he's fucking oblivious to everything and I do t wanna ruin his innocence," I see Jin smirk.

"That's what we have yugyeom fo- Ow! What the hell?" He rubs his arm that I punched. "I don't mean that, idiot." He laughs.

"Let's go to the toy store," Jin says. "I'm glad you said something, the cuffs are starting to lose fur." I smile.

Seokjin POV

"You're so cute!" I pinch his cheeks and he pushes my hand away. I grab his hand and pull him to walk with me. We walk to the toy store, which was a block down the road.

"Hello welcome, how may I help you?" A worker walks up to us. We shake our head since we've been here before. Walking further back we make it to the BDSM area and Jimin does a manly squeal.

"These are perfect," he exclaims whiles picking up a box, inside is a pair of black cuffs with white and gray fur. I chuckle at his cuteness, "Do we need anything else?" I ask Jimin, he nods his head reaching for another box of cufffs.

"We're done now,"


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