Chapter Eleven

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Third POV

"Jungkook!" Jimin yells, he runs outside and embraces Jungkook in a big hug.

Ever since he got that call he's been worried, and now he's finally seeing his little maknae.

He let go of him and stepped back, "Do you have any injuries? Lord Jesus, you're never going anywhere with Yugyeom again. I knew you shouldn't have gone, I'm gonna kill him." Jimin ranted.

Yugyeom clears his throat to get Jimin's attention, Jimin looks over and rushes to Yugyeom, "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" Jimin shouts, and starts hitting him.

Yugyeom was curled up on the ground, "Hyung Stop! I didn't know that was going to happen." He shouted out.

"Hyungie. Calm down please," Jungkook says softly. This makes Jimin stop, not before giving Yugyeom another hit though.

Jimin walks up to Jungkook, "I'm so glad you're alright," he says while holding the younger.

Jimin looks down at Yugyeom, sending him a sharp glare. Jimin grabs onto Jungkook's wrist.

Jungkook looks back at Yugyeom with apologetic eyes, waving him a small goodbye.

Jimin brings Jungkook into the house, making sure to slam the door.

Yugyeom gets off the ground, "Fuck." He walks to his car, looking back at the house then driving off.

"You need to talk to him Yugyeom," Taehyung says.

After Yugyeom dropped Jungkook off he want home and straight to sleep, he was exhausted.

He woke up that morning feeling moody and when he got there he expected Jungkook not be there which he was correct he didn't  come to work.

"Jimin is pissed, he'll beat my ass when I see him and you want me to talk to him. Yeah, how about not." He says drinking his cold coffee.

"I mean it doesn't hurt to tr—" Taehyung gets cut off by someone walking through the door.

"Jungkook," Yugyeom says.

"I'm not supposed to be here but.... I'm here to get you coffee from the cafe." He says shyly.

Yugyeom nods and Jungkook leaves.

"You're whipped," Taehyung says laughing.

Yugyeom smiles, "Shut up and get out of my office,"


"I'm so sorry!" Jungkook apologizes, to the man he knocked down.

He was rushing to get to the cafe to get his coffee he ordered, "It's alright," the man says.

Jungkook holds his hand out to help the man up, the man grabs it.

"I'm really sorry about that, how about I treat you to some lunch or dinner later," Jungkook offers.

"It's okay really, I'm Bobby." Bobby introduces himself.

"I'm Jungkook," Jungkook replies making Bobby smirk.

"On second thought, how about I get your number. So we can meet up for lunch," Bobby says, taking his phone out of his pocket.

Jungkook does the same, handing the phone to Bobby, "Again I'm really sorry," he apologizes, taking the phone back.

"It's fine Jungkook," he smiles, making Jungkook blush.

"Well I have to go, text you later!" Jungkook says walking off.

Bobby goes to his contacts on his phone and dialed a number, "Hello," They answered.

"Boss, I found Jungkook and I have his number," he tells him.

"Good work. Now you need to become friends with him, get information." The boss says to Bobby.

"I will," Bobby respond and the boss hangs up.

"I will find Yugyeom, even if it's the last thing I do." Bobby says to himself.


I'm sorry this chapter is short.

I'm just losing so much interest on n this story, I'm having major writers block for this story.

And people who sent those one shot request I didn't forget about y'all.

The 13th was my birthday so Happy late Valentine's Day.


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