Chapter Three

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Jungkook POV

It's my first day at this mean job and I know that my plan of mine will work, because I'm a nice person.

I went downstairs with the rest of my brothers, not forgetting my chocolate, they were waiting for me. "C'mon Kookie lets go," Kwon-is tells me.

We all leave.

I feel a little nervous about giving this meanie boss guy some of my chocolates. What he's allergic to chocolate? What if he spits in them and gives it back? What if-

"Kookie! Are you ok? You were spacing out," Souk says worriedly. "I'm fine guys, just a little nervous," I reassure.

Oh but little is and understatement, and it's far bigger than that. We finally make it to the the big building I call a job and walk in.

We all go into the elevator and go to the 18 floor, when the elevator stops on that floor we get out.

We all walk different directions and I slowly walk towards Mr.Kim's office, I must've been not paying attention because I bump into someone and I fall down on my butt.

"Ouch," I wince in pain. I see a hand held out to me and I grab it. "I'm so sorry," I apologize and bow repeatedly.

The persons hand grabs my shoulder gently to stop me, "It's ok, accidents happen."

"My name is..."


Yugyeom POV

I was talking to one of my secretaries then I see bunny boy from yesterday talking to one of my employees.

I stop the conversation with Sanja, and walk over to them. "Mingyu! What are you doing slacking off?" I ask sternly.

I see bunny boy flinch at my sudden outburst. "I'm just greeting the new employee boss," Mingyu says calmly.

I glare at him for talking to my property, yes my property. I've decided to have little bunny boy as my personal assistant.

"Well there's no need for that, get back to work," Mingyu says goodbye to Jungkook.

He looks up at me with a smile, "Follow me," I walk to my office and tell him to close the door behind him.

"Mr.Kim I-I brought you some chocolates," I hear his soft voice tell me.

I turn around to see him standing in front of my desk with a bag of chocolates. He's so cute and I bet he'd look cuter under me on my desk.

Sitting down in my chair, I tell him to take a seat. He hurry's to sit down, he sets the bag of chocolates on my desk.

"You're going to be my personal assistant," I tell him and he blushes. "S-so I have to with you e-everyday?" I nod and he looks like he might pass out.

"It's fine, all you do is handle my schedules. Super easy," he still looks a little shaken up but looks at me smiling.

"Thanks for this opportunity Mr.Kim," I chuckle at his cuteness.

"Now unfortunately I have rules for you," his eyes widen. "Why do I have to have rules?"

"Well you have to know how things work," He nods in agreement, but that's not why I'm giving him rules. When I seen him talked me to Mingyu I felt something I've never felt before, and that's jealousy.

Mingyu is an amazing employee, but he might try to seduce Jungkook and that's not happening.

"1, always have my coffee ready in the morning. 2, make sure my schedule is set out on my desk." I give him a simple 2 rules.

"O-only two rules? Well ok then," he looks shocked but I don't comment on it.


I'm sorry this chapter is short, it's just I've been having major writers block. Also I normally update everyday but I was slacking on how I should write my story.

Like I don't want to take to long for the plot to happen, but I don't want it to be to fast. So sorry for boring chapters.

And since I've missed two days I'm updated 3 chapters for the missed days.


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