Chapter Seven

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Namjoon POV

"So, did you find out his name?" Jungkook asks me. I was over his house to cheer him up about the guard incident.

"Yeah," I respond. He looks at me like he's waiting, "What?" He looks at me like I have two heads, "What's his name?"

"Oh, it's Jung Hoseok." I say beaming. "Is He your boyfriend yet?" My eyes widen. I feel my cheeks heat up. "Jungkook!"

"What?" He ask giggling. I huff and cross my arms pouting, "You're such a meanie, Kookie."

"So tell me about your boyfriend," his cheeks and ears get red, "Hyung!" He whines out. "Don't say it like that,"

I put my hand up in surrender, "What?" I mimic what he said to me. "That's not my boyfriend, Joonie." He hides his face in his hands.

I reach over and move his hands from his face. "I'm hungry, let's go eat." He smiles wide.

We slip our shoes on, we decided to go to Panda Express (Only place I remember that they have there) when we get there we go straight to the counter.

As we were ordering, I heard the bell on the door to sense that another person has walked in. I turn around and see three males.

One of them made me blush, Jung Hoseok. The second was tall maybe 6 feet, the last was a shorter male, pale and around 5'7.

I hurry and turn around before Hoseok sees me. I look at Jungkook and he's paying the cashier. When he turns to look at me he looks at me confused, he must have seen my face.

"What happened Joonie-hyung?" I move to the side, and point to Hoseok. "It's him," I whisper. Jungkook beams.

"Look hyung, that's my boss and Yoongi-hyung!" He whisper shouts. "Yoongi-hyung! Hi, it's me Jungkook!" Jungkook says rocking on both feet, like a child. The guy, who's name is Yoongi turns to Jungkook.

Jungkook runs over to Yoongi and hugs him, I walk awkwardly behind Jungkook, avoiding Hoseok. "Hey kid, it's been awhile." Yoongi says after being release from the hug, patting Kookie on the head.

"Hey Jungkook," the tallest male greets to Jungkook. "Hello, Mr.Kim." Jungkook blushes.

"Hey Namjoon," I hear the voice I was trying to avoid, "Hello Hoseok," now you may think what I'm about to say is rude but, I shouldn't have said anything to Jungkook  about Hoseok.

Why? Well you'll see.

"Is Joonie-Hyung your boyfriend?" Jungkook ask Hoseok. I blush, "You don't just anyone that, kid." Yoongi, scolds. Hoseok laughs "I don't know, why don't you ask him?"

"I did and he said you guys weren't, but look at his face," everyone turned to look at me, "He clearly-" I put my hand over Jungkook's mouth before he can say anything else. I fake laugh, "This darn kid, isn't he cute!"

I remove my hand from his mouth and he pouts, "I'm not cute Joonie," I was amazed at how whipped Mr.Kim was for Jungkook.

"You are,"
"Yes you're to cute,"
"Freaking adorable,"

The three males say, Jungkook blushes, "whatever guys." Our meals get called and I hurry and walk over to the counter and grab it.

I try to grab Jungkook but it's too late, "Hey Namjoon, can I get your number?" I almost pass out from his smell, he was that close.

"I-I-Sure," I take my phone out of my back pocket, I struggle slightly so I won't make the food fall, by trying to unlock my phone.

I give my phone to him and he adds his number, giving it back to me. "Well, I'll text you later?" He looks at me hopefully.

"Yeah, I'll respond." I look over to Jungkook and see him, blushing. "Jungkook, are you ready to go?" He nods.

"Bye, see you later." Jungkook and I say goodbye at the same time. I hope Hoseok doesn't text me.


This story starting to get boring, I might delete it. Also new book coming out.

Excuse any mistakes


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