Chapter Nine

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Yugyeom pov

"Dad, no." My younger brother and I say simultaneously.

"Come on, it's give you guys a better chance to bond. I roll my eyes, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"I'm having lunch with someone today," I pause "So, I don't need my little brother there with me, no offense." He just shrugs.

"Who is it? Is it a girl?" My dad ask excitedly.

I'm gay

"Far from a girl, we're just friends anyway." He looks at me suspiciously.

"You're still taking your brother," I groan


"No Yugyeom, you're taking him and that's final." I groan again, rubbing my hand down my face.


"You're suck a jerk," I spat to my dad, and he just rolls his eyes.

The audacity

"Let's go," I tell my brother.


I—my brother and I sit and wait for Jungkook to show up.

"Is this person your lover?"

"I guess you could say that," I reply, taking out my phone.

"I guess you could say that," I reply, taking out my phone

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(Ignore the time)

I look up to see Jungkook walking inside the building, "Over here," I call out and he looks my direction.

He starts walking towards me, smiling, "Hey Yugyeom,"
Jungkook sits down opposite of me.

"Who's this cutie?" Jungkook ask, looking at my little brother.

"My name's Jaemin," my brother answers for himself, with a flush on his cheeks. "And I'm not cute,"

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook

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"Nice to meet you, I'm Jungkook." Bun puts his hand out for Jaemin to shake.

They shake hands and I clear my throat for their attention.

"Why didn't you tell me? I could've brought him something, so he won't be bored. Poor thing," Jungkook coos.

"He's fine," Jaemin rolls his eyes and pulls his phone out. "Anyway...I have a thing for you to do," Jungkooks eyes widen.

Damn doe eyes

"What is it?"

"As my assistant, I need you to be at my house tomorrow night." I inform.

"What are y'all gonna do? Fuck?" Jaemin remarks smartly, looking up from his phone.

Jungkook gasps, "You are to young to be saying bad words," I shake my head.

"I'm 18, not a child." I groan.

"No, we aren't going to fuck. Mind your business," he rolls is eyes and turns back to his phone.

"Aww Yuggie, don't be so mean to him." Jungkook scolds.

"Yuggie?" He blushes

"Be quiet,"

"Can I just explain?" I ask.

He nods.

"There's a dinner party and I need you to be there," I continue.

"Sure, I guess." Jungkook shrugs


"Replay, replay, replay." Jungkook sings, as I drive us to the restaurant.

My other friends wanted to have a dinner together, at a dangerous place—a mafia restaurant.

"You're really good at singing," I compliment and he blushes.

I shouldn't bring him here, but I'm sure nothing will happen.

"Thanks, I've been singing since I was little."

I pull up in front of the restaurant, I get out and walk to the other side.

I open the door for Bunny Boy, "Y-you didn't have to do that," He stammers as I put my hand out for him.

"It's fine Bun," He grabs my hand, and I help him out the car.

He gets out and we walk to the front, I give my keys to a man.

When we walk in there's chandlers and a lot of people.

"Hello gentlemen, do you have reservations?" A waitress walk up to us, with menus.

"Kim," I reply.

She nods, "Follow me," Jungkook and I follow the waitress.

When I'm walking I look over to seen guys that I've never seen before, they look really suspicious.

But I choose to ignore it.

I see some of my other CEO friends, and they start cheering.

I sit in an open seat, and Jungkook sits next to me.

"You assholes," I flick them off.

"Woah, who's the cutie." One of my friends, smirking looking up and down at Jungkook.

"He's off the market, keep your eyes to yourself." I say jealously.

"Let the kid introduce himself," my close friend, BamBam says.

He blushes red, "I'm J-Jungkook, Yugyeom's assistant." He says politely bowing.

So cute!

"That's a pretty name for a pretty boy," we turn to the person who said that, and he's standing behind Junkgook.

He's one of those suspicious guys, I seen earlier.

"Sorry, Who are you?" I ask irritated.



Who do you want this person to be?

Also I don't want anyone mad when this happens so I'm telling you in advance, this person is going to be the "Bad guy,"

Comment who you think will be good for this part...please.


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