🎄Merry Christmas🎄 (part one)

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Even though this isn't a little space Jungkook story, I'm just recycling the chapter from 'Little Baby'

Daddies: Hoseok and Yoongi
Appa: Namjoon
Papa: Jimin and Taehyung
Dada: Soekjin

Hoseok POV

I was laying down on my phone when I heard my door open, "Daddy." I hear a whisper.


I turn my phone off and pretend I'm sleeping.

"Daddy? Are you is sleeping?" Kookie closes the door and shuffles next to the bed.

I feel the bed dip as he climbs onto my bed, and moves the covers off of me.

He uses his thumb and pointer finger to try and open my eye, I brush his finger from my face.

He giggles.

"Daddy, wake up." He whispers.

I here shuffling on the bed, and feel him stand up.

He starts jumping.

"Daddy wake up, it's Christmas time!" He shouts.

I open my eyes and pull him down to lay with me, tickling him.

"Have you been a good boy Kookie?" I ask, he continues laughing, and nodding.

"Daddy! Stop it, I have to pee!" I stop tickling him and he stops laughing, panting.

"I need help," I unzip his onesie, and he hurried off the bed, opening the door, running to the bathroom.

A few minutes later I hear the toilet flush, and water running.

Kookie comes back into the room, "Done," he climbs back onto the bed, slipping off almost.

I coo at his cuteness.


"Yes? Baby."

"Can we open presents now?" Kookie ask me, staring at me with hopeful eyes.

"You have to wake up every one else," I tell him.

Squealing, as he slides off the bed, running out of the room.

"WAKE UP EVERYONE, IT CHRISTMAS." Jungkook shouts, banging on the doors.

I hear his little giggling, and doors opening.

I get out of bed and walk to the hallway.

Yoongi-hyung is laying underneath a smiling Kookie.

"Daddy said we can open presents, Daddy." I coo.

Jin walks towards them and scoops Jungkook in his arms, "You need to brush your teeth, and eat breakfast first." He states.

Jungkook whines, "Dada,"

"Come on Jin-hyung, you know how he gets." I say remembering the last time we made him eat breakfast first.

"I don't care," Jungkook starts crying and wiggles out of Jins hold.

"Appa!" Kookie cries, running to Namjoons room.

"You need to stop spoiling him, both of you." Jin says sternly.

"Don't get so mouthy Hyung, you do the same thing" Yoongi replies.

"Shut up and help me get breakfast started."

I walk to Namjoon's room, to see Kookie straddling namjoon while hugging him and crying.

"I don't want to eat, I want open presents." He pouts.

"It's ok baby, we'll get you a breakfast bar and a milk. Ok?" Kookie nods.

Namjoon stands up still holding Kookie, "Good morning." Joon says to me.

"Good morning,"

"Hi Daddy!" Kookie says, wanting a greeting also.

"Hello my precious baby," Jungkook Giggles, hiding his face in Namjoons neck.


I'll post the second part to this later on, since I'm already a day late.

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it❤️

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