Chapter Two

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"Kookie wake up," Jungkook shuffles under the covers, ignoring the person.

"Jungkook, you have an interview today," Jungkook groans, throwing the covers off of him.

He meets a smiling Jimin, Kookie rolls over to his right side and closes his eyes.

"5 more minutes," Jimin rolls his eyes and picks Jungkook up off the bed.

"Now Jungkook, or you'll never see the company building." His eyes flutter open, as he stands up straight.

"Fine, but don't leave me like you did Kwon," Jungkook demands.

Jimin leaves out of his room and Jungkook starts to get ready, he brushed his teeth twice, He got in the shower and got clean twice.

He was so nervous he wanted to make sure he smelled good. He put on his suit and sprayed his Victoria Secret perfume on, not a lot but enough.

He fixed his hair to look curly, grabbed his phone and met Jimin downstairs.

"Ok I'm ready to go," Jungkook announces.

Jimin smiles a little, "Well, let's go." Jimin and Jungkook leaves the house.


"Park Jungkook, Mr.Kim is ready for you now." A secretary informs him to follow her.

Walking behind the lady, Jungkook noticed blond hair writing papers.

"Taehyung hyung, Hello." Jungkook waves at Taehyung and he waves back.

"Well here is the bosses office," the secretary leaves him there by himself.

He knocks on the door, and waits until he here's a low come in. He opens the door to a handsome man, with black hair.

"Sit down," Yugyeom orders and Jungkook scrambles to sit down, especially at his cold tone.

"What is your name?" Yugyeom asked.

"It's Park Jungkook sir," Yugyeom nods and write down something on his paperwork.



"Why do you think I should hire you?" Yugyeom asked in a cold tone, and Jungkook being himself replies.

"Well I need a job, and my other siblings work here. Did you know that my brothers boyfriend works here too? I can't wait to te-" Jungkook gets cut off.

"No, I don't care about your brothers boyfriend." He spat making Jungkook jump.

Jungkook looks down at his lap and mumbles me a sorry, he's never been yelled at before and he feels like crying.

"You may leave," Jungkook stands up and leave quickly, letting his tears fall.

Someone comes to him and hugs him, he looks up and see Taehyung.

"Kook, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Taehyung asked him bringing him to a empty lounge area, Tae gave Jungkook some tissues.

"That mean boss yelled at me for being nice," he explains. Taehyung was a little angry for his best friend to be yelling at his boyfriends brother, they'll have to talk later.

"It's ok Jungkook, that man is a stupid meanie butt anyway. He's always mean like that maybe you could help him be nice," Jungkook smiles at the idea of helping that mean guy become nice.

"Ok hyung, you're right. Tomorrow I'll bring him a cup of coffee to lift his mean mood," Taehyung smiles at his innocence.

"That's a good idea, let's call your brothers." Jungkook calls his brothers and they pick him up from the building.

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