Chapter Six

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"I'm sorry for yelling, do you accept my apology?" Mr.Kim apologized. I was his house, in his office. He invited me to say sorry for yelling at me.

I glared at him to intimidate him, "You look like an angry bunny," He laughs and I pout.

"I guess I accept your apology," he smiled.

"I'm still really sorry about the girlfriend incident, it was really unprofessional and I shouldn't have asked that." I also apologize.

"It's fine. I was just surprised,"

I walk to his desk and took a sit in the chair in front of it.

Yugyeom POV

I watch as he grab one of the milks and a straw, he opens the cap and sticks the straw inside and taking a sip. He starts bouncing in his seat.

I'm trying really hard to not pounce on him, but the things he does make it hard.(Like his di-💀😭😭)

I snap out of my thoughts when I hear my phone ring, but before I can walk over to my desk Jungkook grabs it.

"Hello?" His soft voice answers the phone. "Mr. Kim there's someone on the phone for you," I stride towards him grabbing the phone.

"Hello?" I hear yelling in the background. "Boss there's a situation at the house.(mafia house)," I freeze for a few seconds. There can't be an issue, at least not right now. Not when Jungkook is here.

"What is it? I have my assistant over rn and he's a little bit, B-B like(baby boy)." I here a window smashing. "Fuck, I'll be there in 5." I say hurriedly, hanging up the phone.

I walk to my coat rack and grab my jacket, "What does fuck mean?" I hear Jungkook ask. Turning to face him he has his eyes string at me.


"Umm you say that when you're excited, anyway come on let's go. I need to drop you off at home," He nods at the command.

"Fuck! I'm so excited. Fuck! What are we going to do?" Jungkook exclaims. My eyes widen.

"Do not say that word in front of your brothers," he looks at my confused. "It's not like it's a bad word, right?" I nod. He gasps and slaps his hands over his mouth.

"You made me say a bad word!" I roll my eyes. He's such a child sometimes. I walk towards him and pull him out the chair.

"We need to go, now." He walk towards my door slowly, "You didn't say how fast, Mr.Kim." Eventually He hurries out the door.

We walk downstairs so we can leave. I take my phone out to call Jimin.


Jimin POV

"Mm, fuck!" I moan out as Jin thrust his fingers into me. After we left the toy store we were planning to have a little smexy time.

He moves his  fingers faster, my back arches as he hits my prostate, I yell out "Jin hyung! There!" As he continues, I hear my phone ring.

He slows his pace, I answer my phone. "H-hello?" I'm just trying to have some bomb ass sex, and I get calls.

"Jimin hyung, I need you at the house," my eyes widen. Noo this is my day off and I get called into mafia work.

"Yugyeom, I'm kinda in the middle of some-" I try to explain but I get caught if gaurd when Jin starts thrusting his fingers in a fast pace.

I place my hand over my mouth, so he won't here my moans. "Hyung?" I remove my hand from my mouth.

"Y-yeah I'll b-be there," I say hurriedly and hung up the phone. I toss my phone to the side, "You can't just do that while I'm on the phone," I look down at Jin.

"Well I guess we're gonna have to cut this short," he says and pulls his fingers from out of me. "Go get ready," I whine as he walks into my bathroom.

"Jin hyung!"


JeonSouk POV

I walk out of the mall with a big smile on my face, and Taehyung limping behind me with a blush on his face.

"Baby, I didn't mean to go that hard on you." I try to explain but he just scowls at me. He goes to say something but his phone rings.

"Hello?" I watch his eyes widen. "Ok, I'll be there soon." He hangs up and limps his way to the car.

"What's wrong? What happens?" I rush after him. "There's a problem at the house," I nod and walk over to the driver side.

I get in the car and put my seatbelt on. Fuck.

Yugyeom POV

I had no time and now I have Jungkook sitting in my safe room. Jimin is going to kill me, if these people don't do it before then.

I should've just sped my way to his house, now he's probably scared.

3rd Person

"Woah, you're so cool," a fascinated Jungkook says looking at the guard blocking the door. The guard stands still, watching Jungkook as the boy tries to have a staring contest.

They stay there for 30 seconds and Jungkook huffs as he blinks, "You're just too good Mr.Guard," Jungkook goes to sit down but he turns back around to talk to the guard more.

"What's your name?" Jungkook asks, pulling a chair to sit in front of him. This guys hair is a blond color, he's way taller than Jungkook.

"Jackson," The guard answers nonchalantly. "That's a really cool name...why are you so handsome?" He asks again innocently.

"I don't know, ask my parents." Jackson replies back. "Can I meet them?" Jackson was about to answer a smart reply until he was cut of by Jungkook.

"I'm Jungkook by the way, I'm Mr.Kim's assistant." Jackson almost laughs at that. Yugyeom has never had an assistant and never asked for one either, so it's really suspicious.

"Cute," was all he says. "Cute? You think I'm cute? Thank you!" Not even 5 minutes past and Jungkook is already talking again.

"I'm hungry, can I have some seaweed?" Jackson groans in annoyance, Jungkook hears this and walks away from him sitting on the couch inside the room.

An hour later

It's been and an hour and Jackson hasn't heard from Jungkook yet, he didn't know why he was so quiet. Jungkook was feeling really sad that he'd annoyed the guard.

He was just really hungry and hasn't eaten since he was at Yugyeom house. "Hey Jungkook you alright?" Jungkook ignores him.

I'm fine is what Jungkook wants to say, but keeps it to himself, he's annoying.

"Look, if I did something I'm sorry." Jungkook turns around on the couch to look at Jackson.

"It's ok," he says quietly.


I'm sorry about all the POV changes

Excuse any mistakes.


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