Chapter 1

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My name is Carter Bailey and my story starts when I was nineteen; I was already in college for a year with my bestfriend Olivia Donnelly. We took a class with Dr. Danvers and she was in awe. Olivia couldn't shake the feeling she had when she saw him. Dr. Danvers seemed to take special notice in Olivia as well. After our class was over he asked her to stay behind.

"Olivia will you come here a moment?" Dr. Danvers asked politely.

"Of course Dr. Danvers." Olivia said telling me to wait in the hall without a word actually spoken.

"Please, call me Clay." Dr. Danvers spoke hushed as I left the room. I stayed close to the door trying to listen to the conversation they had.

"Is there something I did wrong?" Olivia asked innocently.

"No, actually I wanted to know if you would be willing to work for me, I need a typist/ secretary." Dr. Danvers said nicely.

"I would actually love a job I've been looking for one for awhile." Olivia answered, "How many hours a week would you think?" she continued trying not to blush.

"Maybe twenty hours, you'd earn ten dollars an hour." Clay replied.

"That is perfect, but why did you pick me?" Olivia asked.

"I picked you cause in today's class alone you answered almost every question and you seem like a smart enough girl to help me." Clay answered.

After Olivia came from the class I told her I heard everything so she didn't have to repeat it. She and I laughed all the way down the hall as Clay stared at her as we walked. We got back to our dorm and talked about the job she just took.

"Soooo, you took the job?" I questioned.

"Yes, I get payed ten dollars an hour and I get to work with him twenty hours a week." Olivia answered, "Why the hell wouldn't I?" she asked rhetorically.

"I guess that's true. He is really hot." I replied smiling.

"I know right!" Olivia exclaimed, "I wish I could date him but he's my teacher." Olivia said sadly.

"Who cares your a sophomore in college who's nineteen." I answered, "If you both conscent to it, it doesn't matter what other people say." I continued.

"Yeah, but I could be getting special treatment because I'm dating him or whatever. It's aganist the rules." Olivia answered.

"Then get a bit closer to him and drop the class if he askes you why tell him because you couldn't be in his class if you dated or because you like him or something. You will come up with something to say." I responded.

"That might actually work. Carter your a genius." Olivia replied.

"I know. I will talk to you later I have to go to another class." I said and walked from the room.

I walked to my next class and as I was leaving the building I saw Clay going up to my room. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Olivia. She called me and I told her to stay on the phone and just leave it on speaker in her pocket. I heard a knock and she answered it.

"Oh Clay, what are you doing here? In the dorms I mean?" Olivia asked.

"I never told you when you could start. I need you to start today like this afternoon." Clay answered.

"Ok. I can come right now." Olivia answered.

I could hear Olivia grab her purse and walk out the door with Clay. I was late to class so I put the phone in my pocket and ran to class. I kept the phone call going until I got to class and when I was in class while my teacher was in a lecture I put my phone on the desk and tried to listen to what was going on.

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