Chapter 1: Be Careful

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A/N Welcome to my story!


Chapter one: Be careful…

When the voices faded away in the distance, she let out an relieved breath and cursed herself. She was getting careless after five months of successfully hiding. She always checked her surroundings before she even thought about bathing, so why not this time?

It had been a warm and damp day in the forest and the sun was just about to set. The weather was on the verge of a big thunderstorm. After a long day of walking and avoiding any living thing in the woods, she felt soiled and sweaty. So when she smelled the freshness of the river nearby she didn’t hesitate. In no time she took off her clothes and dived into the fresh water. She happily splashed around and strongly felt the urge to sing. But when she saw the four men appear on the far side of the riverbank she froze. Damn!

She closed her eyes a moment, hoping they would vanish. But as she reopened them she saw the men quickly approaching. It wouldn’t be long before they would spot her and she couldn’t get away anymore.

As soon as the thought crossed her mind she saw one of the men pointing to the lake and the four men started to run. After that, all things happened in a flash. She swam as fast as she could manage to the riverside. She had to get into the forest, and fast. There she would have an advance on them, because the forest was practically her home.

No time to get her clothes on, but she snatched them up and dropped them behind a big shrub in the forest. She would need them tonight. If she wouldn't have clothes that covered her she would literally already been eaten by all the mosquitos and other insects in the forest. Behind her she heard them shouting at the tree line.

“Come on, she can’t be that far!”

“Thank God they don’t have dogs”, she murmured under her breath, while she kept running and dodging low branches. When she decided the gap was big enough, she jumped into a tree. Five months of experience had made her quite good in it, but climbing a tree on top speed, while you were naked, was still pretty hard. And painful. By the time she reached the thick branch she was looking for, she was covered in scratches and would-be bruises.

She reached the branch not a moment too soon, the men were already emerging beneath her. She settled quietly, pressing her back against the bark and trying to stay out of sight while keeping her balance. The men loudly discussed with each other.

“Fool! Why did you let her escape? We all want something to play with and stick our cocks in!” one of them yelled. A wave of disgust rattled through her.

“I know! It is about time”, one of the others shouted back. “I’m already waiting two days for a new toy, way too long.”

A toy? That was what she was for them, a fucking toy?

They kept muttering unintelligible, but they didn’t look up to where she was sitting, and they soon gave up searching at all. It couldn’t be long before they left, but it felt like an eternity.

By the time they totally disappeared it was dark and her teeth were rattling while she shivered uncontrollably. The temperature had dropped several degrees during her run, but she hadn’t been aware of it. Before she had to flee from her pursuers she was enjoying a perfect summers day. The first in a long, long, time. Why did they, after all these months, have to detect her while she was taking a bath in the river? She bit her lip and took a deep breath, forcing herself to calm down and keep an eye out in case the men would return.

After another twenty minutes she finally dared to climb down. She just jumped on the forest floor when the first raindrops hit her. By the time she reached the bush were she’d dropped her clothes rain was pouring down ruthless and she and the clothes were soaked.

She quickly picked them up and slowly made her way through the forest, stopping every now and then to listen carefully. Thankfully she didn’t encounter anything on the way home. Well, home.. It was actually a cave, but she could lit a fire there.

When she neared the cave she stopped and sniffed the air suspiciously. It smelled like a fire was already burning nearby. As soon as she discovered the scent voices reached her ears.

“A shame you let that lovely piece of flesh escape, but luckily we found this place” someone said in the distance.

“Hey! You didn’t catch her either, so fuck off!” another man stated.

“Come on,” a third voice interrupted, “calm down, we’ll look tomorrow for your toy. With this weather she can’t be that far. And if we don’t find the one that escaped, we just look for another one.”

Not wanting to hear another word from this filthy man she slowly retreaded. She had to be more careful, or someone would detect her for sure. Now she would have to move again and find another good spot in the forest where she could stay hidden.

She sighed. It would be a long, cold night.

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