#2 I'm Not What You Expected

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(Y/n) POV

I wash my face with the cold water from the girls' bathroom.

'Who does he think he is? Screaming in a school like that..'

I wipe away the droplets of water from my face, immediately feeling a wave of cool air hit my, now dry, face. I look at the mirror, my reflection.

'Damn, I look bad.'

My long (H/c) hair is a mess, my (e/c) eyes have bags under them and that scar... I'm hideous. As I try to fix my hair to look better I hear the bathrooms' door open and close. I, then turn my head towards the exit and see a girl with black hair, tied in a ponytail.

'She's really pretty... something I'll never be..'

She notices me (notice me senpai) and points her index finger at me. A shower of emotion runs through me.

'Ehh? Why is she pointing at me?'

"Oh, hey! You're that girl that got yelled at by Bakugou, right?" she asks me, her voice surprised a bit. I nod my head before thinking about the boys' name.

'Bakugou huh..? I've heard of that name before..'

"Are you okay?" I flinch. Why would she think I wasn't? Wait. This doesn't mean she thought that I was weak, does it??

"Y-yeah I'm p-perfectly fine!!" I say nodding my head a bunch of times. She widens her eyes in amazement?

"Oh, I really thought you'd be mad at him. And, here's a warning, stay away from him. Sometimes if you even look at him the wrong way he will get mad, so be careful!" she says with a chuckle. I also giggle a little bit.

"Well, then I hope he doesn't mind but I'll call him something stupid like... angry fart or something." She starts laughing and waving her hand in front of her face.

'Am I seriously this funny..?'

"Hehehe...I'd like to see that" She seems nice and talkative.

"U-um.. If it's okay for me to ask.. umm.. what's your name?" I stretch out a hand for her to shake. "My name's (Y/n) (L/n)." She looks at my hand and then back at me with a smile.

"My name is Momo Yaoyorozu, nice to meet you (Y/n)!" I smile back at her, feeling all the bad and awkward emotions flood away.

"You too, Momo."

~Lunch Time~

I came to sit at a table with Momo and some of her other friends. If I remember correctly, the brunettes name is Ochako Uraraka, the ones' with the pink skin and small horns is Mina Ashido and another one that resembles a frog is Tsuyu Asui. These girls are really fun to be with. I've never really had friends so it's new to m-

"Hey, (Y/n)!" Uraraka's words cut my train of thought. I look at her.

"Yes?" My quiet voice asks.

"Did Bakugou hurt you in some way? Because if he did I swear I will-!" and she starts to make some weird hand motions. I sweatdrop at the girl and wave my hand in front of me, suddenly feeling uncomfortable.

"No no no, he didn't do anything as to not count the screaming." I reassure them. Uraraka lets out a sigh and puts her head on her hand.

'Wonder why she's so worried..'

"It's just that... Deku told me all about Bakugou and he really sounds like a threat." Okay, that's weird. If he's a threat then why is he in the hero course?

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