#20 Make Up

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(Y/n)'s POV

"Dead?" Midorya asks. I look down at my soft purple blanket, for some reason I cannot cry. It's been a while since I cried.

"Yes, dead." I then reply. Yaoyorozu looks towards him and silently motions Midorya to drop the subject and he immediately tries to think of something else, but he's too late.

"I couldn't imagine how lonely it must've been. But you've definitely turned out to be amazing without them." Todoroki notes. He is definitely the one to talk about good and bad families. He's lived with such a bad one, Yaoyorozu told me about it and how he got his scar. It really broke my heart.

"Thank you, Shoto." All of them freeze at this statement. I hadn't even noticed that I called his by his first name. "Uh-..U-uhm, I-I mean.. Todo-"

"It's okay, you can call me by my first name." My heart calms down as he says those words. Thank you, Shoto for making it not so awkward. I bless you!

"Okay, moving on...(Y/n), where's your makeup?" Ochaco gladly asks. A wave of fear and sheer terror runs up my spine as I begin to imagine myself in a hot pink dress, with a blond wig and a hella lot of makeup. I move away from Uraraka and she notices that, crawling closer. I sigh, giving in.

"It's in the bathroom, behind the mirror..-"

"Yay! I'll be right back!" Uraraka happily runs off upstairs, and I'm 100% sure she doesn't know where the bathroom even is. Because I haven't told her.

"Sheesh, you must be really unlucky for this to happen." Midorya states his mind as I look at my nails and pray that long nails won't be glued on them. I then sarcastically laugh, knowing how very unlucky Midorya has been, with all of his arm breaks recently.

"How're your arms, Deku? Oh, and is it okay if I call you Deku?" I urge Izuku to talk more. He seems pretty shy, but when he speaks he's really talkative. And kind.

And I like his dinosaur shirt. Just... throwin' that out there.

Izuku looks at his bandaged and scarred hands, and looks back with a tight lip smile.

"You can call me that and yeah, they're fine, what about your neck, (Y/n)?" Right.. I totally forgot. I reach and touch my bandaged neck, the fabric soft.

"Yeah, and what happened to it?" Todoroki asks further on. A sudden feeling of awkwardness runs around the room, I'm not used to being the center of attention, so this isn't very common.

"W-well, um.. when I still worked with Shigaraki, Kirishima came to help me and while I was talking with him, I guess Tomura just decided to leave and give up on me right then and there, and so... he griped my neck and the skin crippled into pieces." I finish while playing with the soft cloth, curling it like my long hair.

"hmm.. I can only imagine what Tomura has made you go through when you still worked for him." Yaoyorozu chirps in to the conversation. Her expression worried and distraught.

"You have no ide-"

"I'm back! Now come closer so I could paint THAT BEAUTIFUL FACE!" Ochaco psychotically states.

"Everyone! She's lost HER MIND! RUN!" All of us, except Shoto, stand up and we run around my sofa in circles, trying as hard as we could to avoid that tremendous destiny. Please, note the sarcasm.

Uraraka finally catches up to my (short/tall) body and tackles me to the ground. Everyone else runs back to their seat where they sat previously while I get dragged by Ochaco back to mine.

She makes me sit straight and takes out a hair pin from my small bag and is ready to clip my hair from my face. Now, there's a small problem. I always keep half of my face covered, because of my massive scar on my right side. That cut line has terrified so many customers that it started to terrify me too. That's why I don't cut my hair.

Uraraka's hand almost reaches my hair, but I grip her wrist and she freezes.


"B-but then, how am I supposed to do your makeup?" She asks, with fake tears at the tip of her eyes.

"I'm not sure if you'll be happy to see the other half of my face." At this sentence, I noticed how Todoroki became more interested. Yaoyorozu and Midorya as well. I mean, none of them have seen it. "There's this scar." Ochaco's face turns from distraught, immediately to a delighted one.

"(Y/n), you know we won't judge you by the way you look. You're amazing just the way you are. And I'm sure all of us know it!" Her voice like a little child's, but still worth listening. Uraraka then turns behind her, looking at the others. All of them smile warmly at me, even Shoto. I swear, this moment will make me cry one day.

I deeply sigh, take grip of my hair and move it so that they could see. All of them gasp silently, not knowing it would look this bad.

It's a straight line, across my right side, from my nose to ear. Its color is a light pinkish, sometimes when I scratch it too much it bleeds. I hate it. Yaoyorozu covers her mouth, not knowing what to say, but Midorya thinks otherwise.

"Who did this to you?" He demands, Izuku's voice sounding almost threatening. I can't tell him it was the military, that will make them not believe in society anymore. But, I mean, It was on purpose.

Should I tell them?

"The..*mumble* *mumble*" I mumble under my breath. All of them look at me confused.

"What did you say?" All of the teenagers say in unison.


"... the military.."

[Phew, hey.

Here ya go]

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