#21 God Bless These Abs

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(Y/n)'s POV

I'm surrounded by whiteness. The soft, pearly ground surrounds miles around me. There seems to be no end, no sky, only white. I look down and see white flowers.


But my eye catches another color. Red. For some reason I'm wearing my childhood shirtwaist red dress, I don't know where I am, nor what I'm doing here. Looking back in front of me, I see...

"D...Dad?" The middle aged man smiles at me, showing his teeth. My will to hug him is too strong that even my body is shaking, but something was keeping me away.

I know this isn't real. It doesn't feel real. He should be dead.

I blink and immediately behind my father appears my mother, older sister and older brother.

I feel emptiness inside me, like they left a hole in my heart. My hand shakes as it also tries to reach out to them. My dad comes closer and takes my shaking hand, I immediately notice the height difference. Just a second ago I was a head shorter and now... I'm somewhat 3.9 foot tall. I look high up at my dad and see my very small hand in his. The warmth spreading throughout my body.

My dad kneels down and hugs me, finally I tear up.

After another blink, my whole family disappeared in an instant and I felt taller again. Looking around myself nothing has changed, the ground is still pearly white, covered in a blanket of white lilacs.

And yet there's a mirror. A long mirror, touching the ground, but the reflection was different. On the other side stood a young girl. I realize that it's me! But why? How?

I walk towards it and the reflection does as well. I reach out to make sure this is real and as I touch it, the reflection changes. Now it isn't a younger me, it's...

Kacchan? Kacchan?!

He slowly starts taking off his hero costume and my cheeks blow up with hotness. I start screaming at him to stop, but he continues, as if he cannot hear me. I bang at the mirror to try and get his attention, but nothing works. I look behind the mirror and there's just nothing there.

"Am I stuck in his mirror or something?" I screech as he starts to remove his top."Guys! Is this some sort of illusion prank??" I cover my face with my hands to control myself, but curiosity takes over me and I slightly separate my fingers from each other.

And holy sweet baby jesus the lord had blessed my soul with this rare gift of a man. Those abs shine like sunlight on a sunny day and the tan evenly spread across his body sends me chills.

How can a teenager even be this hot??

I get up from my sofa in absolute shock. Todoroki, Midorya, Yaoyorozu and Ochaco are all asleep. I try to look for my phone in the darkness and check the time. My phone is ice cold which is not surprising since Shoto is sleeping at my left side and he probably sends out some chills naturally while sleeping. Or something. The time shows '4:58'

'Shit, it's still pretty early. But damn... what was that dream about?'

I get up and tip toe around everyone, going upstairs. Walking through the long corridor I barely see anything. Now I can only count on my memory, which, to be honest, isn't the best. I reach for the bathroom doorknob and open the door. Turning the light on I look at myself in the mirror.

A streak of dried black blood leaked from my nose to lips.

'Has the dream triggered a nerve?'

I turn on the sink and let the cool water spill down. Splashing my face with the water I scrub off the dried blood, excess leaking in the sink.

'What is happening to me..?'

"You okay?" I jump at the sudden voice of someone else, sounding from the door. I quickly turn and see Midorya.

"Jeez, Deku. Don't scare me like that. I might pull out my guns next time."

Izuku looks with a puzzled expression. "Guns?" I wipe my face dry with a white towel. When done I look at it. Getting lots in thought, I try to remember the dream.

Why did I dream them? It hasn't happened earlier. So why now? And.. how do I know how Dad looks?

As much as I remember, I've only seen him a few times in my life. He's always been busy with work.

"(Y/n)?" I flinch.

"O-oh..um..y-yeah. I have guns. They're more like weapons." I start to sweat. The military gave me this key, I hung it around my neck to use when I needed to use it. It's sort of a container for my weapons. That key can transform into three different objects, if I focus on one then it would transform into that particular one. If I concentrate on two or all three then those chosen will be summoned.

"This key can turn into a katana, a shotgun or a scythe. The scythe in particular is my favorite." I say towards Izuku as he furrows his brows, signaling that he's not satisfied. "Don't worry. I haven't, and will never, kill anyone with it."

"But that isn't your quirk, is it?" I tilt my head to the side. Why is he so on about quirks? Jeez, just get a grip and let it go.

"No..." I tilt my head down, looking at him through my eyelashes."It isn't my quirk." I finish. Deku unknots his arms and stands at the middle of the doorframe.

"Then what is?" I look at him puzzled.

"Why do you need to know?" I'm definitely not giving up just like that. And I'm for sure not going to tell him the truth. I don't trust him.

"It seems as if you're keeping a secret from us." This time he speaks quieter, his voice sounding as if being sure about his assumptions. Then he tilts his head down and looks at me from his lashes. I slowly put the towel down and sort of shrug off this sticky situation.

"Well, I'm not, so stop bothering yourself and *yawn* go to sleep." I mumble just clear enough for him to understand and at the same time trying to imply that what he's getting at is boring for me.

A sudden hand is placed on my shoulder. I turn to look at Izuku, this time with a more... furious and bitter façade. "Tell me what your quirk is." He practically demands. Now, the words I'm about to say to him are pretty bold, if I do say so myself. And I do know that it will just bring up more questions, but I'm pretty stubborn, so..

"I don't have one, now go to sleep." Izuku immediately flinches, a familiar feeling goes through his body. He takes his hand off of me and stands there, in the dark. I look back at him and I could almost make out his face despite the dark. Still not being satisfied and sleepy, I walk away from him.

Yeah, that's what I thought.

[PEOPLE. OH MY SWEET BABY JESUS. Writing this was so embarrassing. Especially that part where BAKAgou started to.. ya know. ANYWAY, I started to watch Durarara!! And I've fallen for another boi with all my heart❤❤!Yes! It is!!! ORIHARA IZAAAAAYAAAAA!!! NAH JK. I hate that dude. I fell in deep the weeblove for Shizuo Heiwajima. The OTHER short-tempered hot-head. Because that's just how I am. So anyway, I started to write a Shizuo x reader story but I havent published anythinv yet. Just sayin, if u want 2 read it then yeh.
And btw thank u all for almost 5k!! I never thought I'd get this far!❤❤💜🌹 love ya and see ya my weebs und geeks!!]

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