#16 Spicy

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(Y/n)'s POV

I run into my garden, Bakugou marching behind with an angry face. I sprint to a white bench that I've constructed not very long ago and sit on it, also signaling for Katsuki to sit as well. He slowly and hesitantly sat beside me and at that moment I realized how actually small the bench is. Me and him are literally just inches apart. I look at my lap and start to think.

'What song should I sing?'

Then, an idea popped into my head. I'll sing a song that Katsuki likes. This is more of an instinct to make yourself look appealing to your crush. I turn to him and ask.

"Rock music."

'Ehhh.. yeah, no. I'm not singing anything related to that.' A few minutes pass and I finally decide on a song.

"Okay, ready? Because, I don't know what kind of quirk this actually is." I ensure Katsuki. He looks at me and nods, meaning he is, in fact, ready. I nod back and look straight in front of me at the small patch of roses that I'm growing in this small garden.

"I guess it's just another one of those nights When I'll spend way too much time On something so small that no one really cares about at all I guess it's just another one of those thoughts And I can't really find a cause Whether it's all just in my mind or something more here in my life"

3rd Person POV

Her angelic voice made Katsuki's heart beat faster. The boy noticed that, but couldn't quite grasp why. Is it because he loves her voice, or because he loves her?

After that thought he turned to her and she turned to him. (Y/n) getting ready for the main words, Katsuki notices how her eyes are.. pink, but also empty.

"It's you." Suddenly, a harsh beat of Katsuki's heart pumped and it startled him, how the song is reflected to the person the singer is singing to. "It's you." another one. "Oh God, it's you." Then, the unexpected happened. Katsuki felt the need to.. kiss this girl.


His neck leaning forward towards the girl made (Y/n) flinch in surprise and she stopped singing. Even if her quirk didn't actually work she felt nervous for what's about to come next.

Katsuki, feeling sweat building up couldn't keep it in anymore and just rushed in, kissing the girl.

This made adrenalin coarse through (Y/n), even though she was clearly going to get it. After a few brief moments she also closed her eyes and melted into the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Katsuki, wanting to even more deepen the kiss, wrapped one of his arms around (Y/n)'s waist and the other on her opposite shoulder, slowly sliding on the girl's neck.

Then, right at the moment Katsuki touched her bandaged neck, (Y/n) hissed in pain and tried biting her lip to keep the sound in, but accidentally bit Katsuki's. They both jump away from each other, almost falling. At the moment, of almost falling off, they cling on each other's arms and pull themselves back. Katsuki furrows his eyebrows as he softly touches his stinging bottom lip and looks at his finger, slight blood flowing out.

He then looks at the girl with furious and burning eyes as he was about to shout at the girl, but then realizing that he hurt her more than she hurt him.

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