#15 My Dear Friend

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[I recommend listening to jazz music while reading ;)]

(Y/n)'s POV

My stomach rumbles quietly as a piece of toast pops out of the toaster. I take it and spread some butter on it and take a bite.

Simple, but nice.

I take the coal black remote and turn on my flat screen TV. Searching for the sports channel a knock disturbed my thoughts. I turn my head towards the front door and wait, see if I hadn't misheard it.

No, I hadn't.

Another knock comes from the door and I lay my toast down, running to the pearl white door. I look through the peep hole in the door and shock overflows in me. I quickly open the door, desperate to see the person behind it. I lunge it wide open and jump into the arms of the tall, ash-blond male as he grunts in annoyance. He pushes me by my shoulders back inside and looks me dead in the eye.

"Let's talk." his deep voice commands.

"Is that a command or a question?" I request his answer. He shrugs it off and pushes past me, throwing his bag on the floor, right by my staircase.

I walk to the sofa after closing my door and I lean back on the ledge of it. Katsuki walks in front of me, just a meter separating us. His hands deep in his pockets, his stare - strong and unbreakable. The awkward tension - unquenchable.

"So... what is it that you wanted to-"

"What were you doing with the league of villains?" this took me off guard, he cuts me off and then asks questions? How more annoying can he get?

"I already told you." I smugly spell, a sly smirk appearing. But it soon faded. Katsuki takes a few small steps towards me as I lean slightly back, almost falling on the sofa. Then Katsuki's face suddenly appears right in front of mine as he whispers,

"Well then, remind me" [This is so weird to write ;-;] An enormous wave of warmth runs through my cheeks as they burn up like wild fire, Bakugou leans away and stands straight again as for me.. well, I'm at the brink of falling on the actual sofa, which I am not expecting to do. Please, God have mercy on my soul.

"M-my... sister. Tomura said that if I join forces, then I would get my older sister back." I turn to my right side, towards the kitchen. And on the kitchen counter, quietly sits the gas mask that my sister gave to me...

The dark brick walls give a warm feeling, like one of those bars that have amazing music and drinks. But the bartender is.. odd. He seems to be the same portal that got me here. I take a seat on one of the chairs.

"Hello, um.. what's... what's your name?" I ask, my quiet voice sounding nervous. And I guess he picked up on that.

"No need to be nervous. Hello, you can call me Kurogiri." He politely replies. I'm starting to like this guy, although I probably shouldn't start to get attached to them. I mean, they are The League Of Villains.

"h-heh, um, hi.. again. U-um, my name is-"

"I already know who you are, (Y/n). You think we capture random people or what?" A small laugh escapes me, I don't know why but it did. He also took his time to laugh. We then sit quietly as he cleans and I watch. After drying the wine glasses, he displays them on the counter and then politely demands,

"Choose one." I look at the glasses and choose a random one, not understanding if this is a game or some test. He takes it and pours some kind of drink in it and sets it in front of me. I look at it hesitantly and then back at him.

"You didn't put any poison in here, did you?" I pick his brain a bit. He looks (i think?) up at me from his glass and shrinks his eyelids in a happy matter.

"No, no need to worry. We wouldn't try to kill you, we brought you here for a reason." He says, as he siPS HIS DRINK.

Suddenly, a struggling woman comes in with Tomura behind her. I turn to look and it's..

[OK pls imagine that you have an older sister named ,,Greta". And if you actually do, then good for you]

"Greta!" I run to her as she gets pushed to the ground with force, her looks-to-be fragile body falling with a loud thud. She pushes herself up with one arm, the other holding some kind of object. I kneel down to her level, pushing her head up to look if she has any scars or bruises. None. "What- How... how did you survive the car crash? Where were you all this time!?" I question her loudly. Her long light brown hair brushing against the floor, her glassy eyes look at me and then behind me.

"That portal took me before we crashed. I've lived here for the past... I don't even know how long, but..."

"It seemed like forever." She looks back at me as I finished her sentence and smiled at her. I hug her with both my arms, tightly. I've missed her, so much. Tears escape my eyes as their hues turn into a light baby blue color. Like Tomura Shigaraki's hair as reference.

"Okay, it seems we've reached the end of your little family reunion." Tomura says, as he takes Greta by her hand and roughly pushes her to stand. I immediately stand as well and look Shigaraki dead straight into his eyes.

"She has nothing to do with this! Let her go and I'll do whatever you tell me!" I scream at the 'armed' man [cringing]. His body shifts away from Greta and his head loses balance, also shifting away to the side.

"Oh? Well okay then." Shigaraki's scratchy voice speaks as he lets go of Greta and she runs beside me.

"Don't you dare do this!" I look at her and she notices my different eye color.

"Don't worry. I'll be okay." I softly reassure as my hues turn to a normal (e/c) color. Greta looks down at her occupied hand and hands me the item.

"Take this, this will enhance your quirk." Her soft voice says as she hands me a gas mask, with two speakers on each side.

"Why would I need this? I don't have a quir-"

"Try using your voice-" she gets cut off when Shigaraki pushes her out of the room and slowly turns back to me.

"Now, let's see what you can do for your sisters life."

"So you're telling me that, your sister's been captured and has been a hostage from the moment your parents died and now they're using you as a weapon?" I was looking Katsuki straight in the eyes this whole time. I slowly nod as he quickly jerks his head to the side. "And what about that quirk?"

"Hm?" I ask, not knowing the topic of the conversation.

"Your quirk. You said that she told you to 'use your voice'. Have you tried?" He asks me, quite quietly, to be honest. Thank god he's not yelling at least. Then, reality hit me. Of course!

"No, I hadn't tried!"

"Then what the fuck are you waiting for?! Try right now!" He screams at me. Damn it.

"Don't tell me what to do, asshole!!" I scream back at him, a smile visible.

"WHAT DID YOU SA-" I run away from him, out to my garden, behind my house. "HEY! COME BACK HERE!"

Yeah, I missed him.

[SKRRRR!! Didn't expect this, did you?! HA! Two chapter in (i think) three days!!!!! SKKKRRRR! I know! I'm awesome! OKAY SO APERANtELLY I will be going to camp with one of my besties but I promise YOU I WILL UPLOAD STILL! LOVE YA MY WEEBS UND GEEKS AND PLS DON"T 4GET 2 vote cuz I really like when u guys send feedback, okAY I'M STARTING TO CRY, K SEE YA MY LOVES!]

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