#14 Killing Me

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(Y/n)'s POV

Finally I'm free of that... comfortable.. and warm.. bed. God damn it! I miss that place already. And I'll definitely miss Margaret. She was such a nice nurse lady.

I quietly walk the, surprisingly, empty street back to my quiet house. Since I've woken up, no one came to visit me. And I was really expecting... nevermind. I have to put all of that behind me and look at what's in front of me.

My house, if we're more precise. I look to the sides of the front door. Flowers...

White Lilacs. My favorite...

Although, I don't remember planting any flowers here. Someone's inside.

I flick my ring and a small spike pokes out of it. I make a cut at the palm of my hand as blood starts to escape my flesh, sort of, prison. I then look back at the door, getting ready to kick it, but before that I have to make a weapon.

If the thief is still inside then should I go for a long-range or short-range weapon? Or maybe even a hand-throw axe? No, if I do the axe then I'll lose a lot of blood. And I do need practice with a bow or gun more often...

Short-range it is then.

Finally deciding that I'm going for a scythe, I walk to my door and try to open it, at the same time, my blood forms into a 2 to 3 feet long scythe for combat that I had used in the past. I put my hand on the knob and surprisingly, it's opened.

'I guess the intruder didn't bother with the door.'

I quietly walk inside, looking around if he's still in here. I mean, the person could be a she...

'Okay, Stop! This isn't the time to be sexist! Concentrate please!'

I then hear my plates being moved. My eyes dart to the kitchen by my right side. I run to a corner right by the small kitchen and I try to be ready for anything. Footsteps start to come closer to me, the wood underneath creaking, it gradually getting louder. Out of instinct I jump from the corner, run around the person to find myself behind them and touch the persons neck with my weapon, grazing the skin a slight.

"Don't move a muscle or I won't hesitate." I say with pride. The persons muscles seem to tense up immediately, as they try to move back a bit so that the scythe wouldn't touch them. I smirk at myself and start stepping towards this person in front of me, when... another hand reached my shoulder.

Again, from instinct and training, I grab the second intruder's wrist, let go of my scythe and lunge the second guy over me onto the ground, breaking my expensive wooden floor...

"God damn you people! I payed a bunch for that perfect flooring!" I accidentally say aloud. Then, at that given moment, I realized that if I ID these criminals then I could report them to the police! I look at the person who is literally in my floor and see none other than...

"Eijiro, what the hell are you doing in my house?" I ask, annoyance found all up in my tone. I then hear nervous laughter behind me and I seem to recognize that voice too.

"Heh.. (Y/n), you were all up in his grill!" Momo says, laughing a slight more after. I turn to look at her and, well, she's wearing god damn garden clothing. I mean, clothes for gardening. Then, reality hit me like a god damn truck.

'Why am I saying god damn so much now?'

"How did you get my keys?" This question was the first one I could think of in any burglar situation, without blowing a fuse.

"You told me about your spare key a while ago, remember?" A while ago? When was that? 1997 or what?

"No! I do not remember! Probably because I was diagnose with amnesia." I say as-a-matter-of-fact-ly. Both of their faces turn to shock as their eyes fill with worry and confusion. "Kidding" I say, with a smug smile.

A small laugh was then shared with all of us, all tension dissapearing. For once, I feel nice in the presence of people. Back at the military, no one could laugh, talk, not even smile! I would be tortured every time I smiled or tried to make a sassy remark.

That's why I have over 50 scars. And more than half of them weren't even my fault.

"So.. what happened that you two cleaned my house and planted flowers?" I accuse. Both of them take a step towards me and I look at them from the [top/bottom](depends on your height) and start to grow weary.

Suddenly, I am greeted with two hugs. One from the front, one from the back.

"Happy Birthday!!!" Both of them declare at the same time. I feel my ear twitching from the high voltage of those two voices. I almost forgot...

It is my birthday today. How could I, of all people, forget my own birthday?

I pat both of their backs as a thanks. "Thank you. So so much! But..." I look at the floor, my eyes mirror loss, yet I lost nothing. Well, maybe I did.


Damn me! Why? Why did I decide to challenge him the first day we met? Why did I attack him so ruthlessly? Why did... Why did I lose control...?

Did I do something wrong? I don't get it.. All my life, I've been tortured and treated like trash. And now... everything's the same.

What is it with life, to be honest? Why does life have to come back at you for every action you've done? None of us are guilty, yet none of us are also innocent! So then why are we all so different?

Why did I lose you, Katsuki Bakugou? What did I ever do to you to lose you like this?

"Hey (Y/n), do you like Bakugou?"

"U-uhm... n-no, I don't. 'Cmon, girls! I'm better than that! And I hate that bastard anyways!"

Oh... how could I.... forget?

"I-I'm sorry guys, I'm really-truly happy that you two have been here for me, really!" I speak, moving away from them and towards the front door. "But I... I really need some time alone, please." I mutter half of the sentance, feeling water flowing out of my eyes.

This burning feeling... it's..

Killing me.

[Skrrr skkrrr skrrr! I'm back and I'm not going to camp! GOTCHA! You were fooled. I finally eneded this chap and I hope that you've enjoyed it! I totally am spending most of my sleeping hours to write you guys all of this so I hope it isn't going to the trash for disposal! K, gotta go! SEE YA MY WEEBS AND PEEPS! LOVE YA! And you can be expecting the upcoming chapter the same day next week!]

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