#40 Burning Love

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The group's breaths and footsteps echo through the street as cars pass by from time to time. Kacchan was beginning to become tired, not because (Y/n)'s unconscious body was heavy, no. It's because her house was on the other fucking side of Tokyo.

"There's too much risk using the train." Is what John told them. But they're afraid that he was overreacting.

Ochaco suddenly gets pushed to her side by a mysterious shadowed figure, most likely another demon. Her head hit the ground with a loud thud, making everyone else cringe, but heave a relieved sigh at the same time. They didn't hear a crack or anything similar. The brown haired woman immediately recovers from her fall and sends the demon flying upwards. It tries to claw its way back to her, but, sadly, its long and pointy nails for fingers are too short.

John steps in, reaching his hands out and mumbling gibberish words under his breath, sweat running down aimlessly from his forehead. Everybody runs behind him, trying to shelter themselves from the retched demons, hoping he'd protect them. Kaminari and Jirou get pulled backwards into the darkness, very quickly and quietly, yet noticeably. That grasps John's attention and he stops mid spell. He turns around to look at what happened, but somehow forgets about what is in front of him, staring straight into his tainted soul.

His miserable body gets picked up by the long-clawed demon by his neck and begins to choke, the force halting his breath.

The group's only way for survival is in the hands of the enemy. The worst thing is that they don't even know who the enemy is...

All hope is lost, as everyone is hushed into a corner, helpless by the demon's grasp. Kacchan huffs.

A deep breath leaves him, as he mentally prepares himself for the worst. He lays (y/n) carefully down and steps forward, walking over the fallen woman. Bloodshot eyes stare at the vile creatures, his breath slow and steady, warm and explosive.

Kirishima blinks a few times,"Why aren't they attacking?" Right as he finished his sentence John was let go by the demon's grip and fell beside (y/n)'s unconscious body.

Johnny immediately turns around and continues his spell, everybody gathers around beside him and a glass-like force field surrounds them. Black silhouettes bang at the shield, invading fear into the hero's hearts. They finally take a breather and try to calm down. Quickly trying to think up of a plan Momo notices the grass beneath (Y/n)'s body. It's slowly turning black, faster than she ever would've thought.

As they brainstorm for ideas, Kacchan can't help but glance at the (h/c) hair colored unconscious woman. His mind turns blank every time he looks at her, for some reason he can't understand why.

Tsu snaps her fingers in front of his face, getting him back to reality, "Hey! Bakugou, focus. This is serious." Eijiro's blood boils, now knowing that the blond man has been looking at his love.

Ehm... ex-love, I guess.

Faint punches are heard in the background and John suddenly grunts in pain. Hitoshi jumps to his rescue, "What- what is happening? Are you okay...?" John clutches his shirt, his knuckles became white form the force.

"I won't be able to hold the force field for long, mate!" At that moment, a menacing chuckle echoed towards them. The demons stop pounding onto the shield, while it disappears from sight. John coughs up blood from the lack of energy.

Mina and Kaminari stand in front of the whole group, facing them straight on, telling themselves in their mind, that they're sacrificing themselves for a greater cause.

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