#6 Bloodthirsty Hues

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(Y/n)'s POV

'Holy shit'

"S-seriously??!" I ask, my voice getting gradually higher. He looks at me with a blank face.

"Just take your fucking jacket before I change my mind." He says, with a hint of venom. I take the warm (and sweaty) jacket from his hands and put it on. The warmth roaming over my upper body and sending chills down my legs. I hug myself for even more warmth and just stare at Katsuki.

"Soo.... wanna take me home?" Katsuki looks at my smaller figure and scoffs.

"Like hell." That fuckin-

" 'Cmon Katsuki~! Don't tell me you're going to leave a helpless girl alone in the middle of the night!" What a mouth full. I try my best to give him the puppy dog eyes, but he doesn't seem to budge.

"Fuck you." Katsuki growls. I pout at his stupid and annoying and really shitty and really really fucking awful attitude. I cross my arms with anger filling my soul. My eyes slowly turn red, although I can't see it - Katsuki can. I growl back at him.

"Fine. I'll find my way home alone then."

Wow, she really gets pissed real fucking fast, What the fuck? The boy thinks.

Katsuki tenses up from the sudden change of her natural voice to such a deep one. It's almost threateningly scary, but the ash-blond haired boy stays cool.

3rd Person's POV

The playground grows lighter from the light purple crystals emitting from (Y/n)'s back. Katsuki gets weary and steps back a bit, remembering the fight he had with this girl. He grips his wounded shoulder and stares in terror. Large purple angel wings grow from the girl's back as she stares deeply into Katsuki's crimson eyes, her own being the same color, but brighter and more bloodthirsty. (Y/n) flaps her wings twice and jumps to the sky in high speed and flies farther and farther away, leaving Katsuki all alone. He suddenly feels chills run up his arms and he doesn't know if its from the girl or the cold. He watches as (Y/n) flies to a random direction, suddenly feeling something wet on his cheek.

'What the fuck just happened?' the boy thinks.

~6:00 a.m~

(Y/n) walks into her homeroom class and sits at her seat, admiring the little birds flying past and the few drops of rain falling from above. Her music ends and a melody suddenly entered her mind, making her remember her mother. How her beautiful voice would put her to sleep in a mater of minutes. (Y/n) thinks a bit about the lyrics. It's about being and staying together. Although that never happened, she always dreamt about it. How she, her mother and father, brother and sister would have gotten along if not for the nightmare filling accident. She starts humming the tune,

"I know it's scary,

but don't be weary,

If we don't have that long

let's not waste it feeling wrong...

This isn't the end,

I'm your life long friend!

Sure it's been a while,

but I'll be here when you smile.

So don't try to fight it,

I'm here for tonight

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