#17 Please, Don't Cry

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(Y/n) POV.

I quickly skip the loud and packed street this very active morning as cars drowsily drive past. Their constant honking repeatedly disrupting my train of thought.

Fun fact, I'm coming back to U.A.! Although, I am nervous. There's a definite chance that at least some of my classmates will be mad at me for joining those bastards. I also noticed that Kacchan wasn't physically mad at me, he didn't shout or punch me. Nothing. But I could sense it at the pit of my stomach that he is still, in fact, angry with me.

To be honest, I should have brought some ice with me to cool that idiot down, he might just blow a fuse at the sight of me. Or I could just use Todoroki. That would be quite useful-

*Honk*. Damn cars.

I finally reach my destination and head inside, immediately a wave of hesitancy runs through me as all eyes land on my figure. All students passing by take a glance at me and immediately move away, murmuring under their noses.

What is she doing here?

She's not fit to be a hero anymore!

Why is she even alive?

Stay away from her! She might get you!

Okay, what the hell. I might get you? I'm not a god damn animal! I wont just run up to you, bite your neck down and just start to decapitate you in front of everyone!

Actually, I might do that. But of course I wont, there are cameras around, the teachers might catch and report me.

Anyway... continuing where we left off. I try to find a moment where these damn teenagers leave a gap for me to cross through to the other side where the staircase is, yet today is very crowded.

This is the reason I always go to school early! Because of these meddling kids. All of their eyes watch me, my every move. Paranoia consumes me.

Darkness fills my eyes, as the only thing I can see is their eyes. Pearly white, terrified eyes. They almost remind me of my eyes, how I looked at everyone back at the... military.

A hand reaches my shoulder as all of that darkness disappears in a blink. I turn to one side and see Kirishima, tightly pressing his hand and his eyes locked with mine. I swallow spit as we both turn ahead of us and he starts to push me forward.

Every student just distances themselves away from both of us and we pass through, walking up a stack of stairs. Eijiro stops pushing and we walk side by side, without a word.


"No need." He immediately cuts me off. I turn to him in surprise. Rude. But yet a smile creeps on my face and I look at the ground, knowing that Eijiro always has my back. "So," He starts. I turn to look at him, seeing that his face is serious, eyebrows furrowed a slight. "Are you two together?" he asks, with a hint of.. jealousy? Why would he be jealous? And what does he mean by ,,two together"?

"What.. what are you talking about?" I say while shaking my head, trying to indicate that this is nonsense. And who does he think I am with?

"You and Bakugou."


"W-w-what? N-no! What are you talking a-about? M-me and h-him??"

"Don't lie to me, (l/n)." He used my last name... "I saw you two. Just wanted to make sure." only a couple of meters away from the classroom, on the side opposite us I spot Katsuki, he's looking at the tips of his shoes, for the first time. I then shake my head to continue the topic with Eijiro.

"What do you mean you saw us?" Eijiro shoves his hands in his pockets and clicks his tongue, shrugging off the question with annoyance. "Eijiro. What are you talking about?" A this point, he groans and slams the door open, possibly angry with me now.

"I saw you two kissing!" He furiously shouts. This takes me aback, Eijiro shouting? And in front of everyone too. All the student's eyes fall on us, including Katsuki's. I avert my eyes to him and he looks at me, a slight blush on both of our faces. After, my eyes peer towards the group of girls in one corner. More specifically - Momo and Uraraka. Their faces distressed and confused, quite like mine. I then glance back at Eijiro who is glaring at the ground and a few drops of wet tears at the tips of his eyes. I obviously flinch at his unnatural reaction.

"E-Eijiro??!" Why is he crying?! I don't understand. What did I do wrong? And how did he see us??!

What is going on?!

Kirishima looks to his side and bites down his lip, making my stomach ache.

'I hate seeing others in pain'

Eijiro, I don't know why you're crying, but I can't keep seeing you like this. This broken for my actions. I walk up to him and wrap my slim arms around him, snuggling myself by his neck. My stomach aching even more, as tears roll down my own cheeks.

"Eijiro, whatever I did, I'm sorry." Kirishima starts to shake, I hug him tighter. "I'm sorry." I repeat.

"Can you stop with this crying bullshit?! I'm trying to listen to some music!" All of our eyes turn to the famous Lord Explosion Murder after stopping the tears.

"BAKUGO!" Everyone shouts in unison. That pisses him off even more and so he blows a fuse. I quickly dart my eyes around the classroom and finally spot the one I'm looking for. I walk up to him and whisper in his ear.

"Hey, can you freeze him?" Todoroki looks at me, slightly confused.

"I don't believe I can, this is a classroom." He replies and I sigh in defeat and disappointment. Shoto catches a glimpse of that disappointment and figures "But why not" Todoroki's hands lift up and he directs them to Katsuki, who still is shouting at everyone. And BOOM!

Katsuki is frozen up right to his nose, just enough for him to not kill us and stop talking.

Damn asshole.

All of us share a laugh as some others thank Todoroki for doing this incredible deed. Shoto, of course, shrugs it off and continues doing whatever he was doing. Still laughing a bit I turn back to Kirishima, he chuckled, but I still felt guilty.

Because I'm always guilty.

I quickly skip towards him and pull him by his arm out of the classroom. Confusion overwhelms him and when we stop he looks at me with a pulled up eyebrow, signaling even more confusion.

"Why are we here, (Y/n)? Class is about to start." He says as I look around, see if anyone is or could be listening.

"Before we do that, tell me," now Kirishima's almost scared. And he looks like he is. As if he had to spill all of his secrets. He's pale as a ghost.

"Why were you crying, Eijiro?"

[OMG, I'm sooooooo sooorryyy 4 not uploading for so long!!! I AM TOO LAZY FOR THIS, but I shall continue. This chapter was a bit of a stretch but wtv. BY THE WAY!!! OMG!! GUYS!!!!!!! 1K!! I LOVE YOU SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO S OS SO OS OSO OSO OS SO SO OSO OOS O OS O MUCH!!!! I have never thought that I could ever get this much people to read my stupid ass bullshit. AND 4 DAT I THANK YOU!!! I LOVE YA MY WEEBS PEEPS AND GEEKS! THAT'S ALL AND THIS TIME I'LL TRY TO UPLOAD SOONER. LOVE YA <3]

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