#7 Hypnotised

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(Y/n)'s POV

It was...

"exacTLY HOW I WANTED IT!" I "accidentally" scream at the top of my lungs.

[This is just a design I thought of in the middle of class

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[This is just a design I thought of in the middle of class. I will probably change it in the future. Feel free to send me your ideas ;D please excuse me. You may continue now]

My costume 'looks' slutty, but it's very comfortable. And I like the color scheme a lot, even though my scars are visible. I walk out from the changing room, some girls following after. We all walk to the field and sit down on the dirt ground, patiently waiting for the other boys. After a bit, I see Kaminari and Kirishima walk into the territory and I lightly wave at them, sending smiles their way. And just like arrows, they get shot with warmth. Me and some of the girls chuckle a bit and they continue to chat about something.

As much a I heard, they're talking about boys. How nice. Then, out of nowhere...

"Hey, (Y/n)? Do you like Bakugou?" Urarakas sweet and bubbly voice asks. I suddenly stiffen from this sudden question.

Why would she assume that?

"I-It's ok if you don't want to answer! I just.. saw you two at a playground and I thought, maybe you were on a date or something?" She quickly adds.

Okay, so she saw us, that doesn't mean that we're going out. Although... I think I wouldn't mind-... wait. What am I thinking?? Nah, I hate that exploding bastard! No love whatsoever!

"U-uhm.. n-no. I don't." I stutter. God damn stuttering. A habit I picked from mom. The girls' head tilt down from sadness, maybe? "Wait. Are you girls serious? Just cause you saw me with him, probably one time, that doesn't mean I'm with him! 'Cmon girls! I'm better than that! I hate that bastard anyway."

Oh, how I regret saying that.

All of the girls' heads turned to something behind me. I furrow my eyebrows (which are on fleek btw) and look back, seeing Katsuki. I ice up from his intense glare. We stare into each others eyes and I can see a slight glint of grief, most of it - anger.

Sweet Jesus...

"W-wait! Katsuki!" I cry for him as he walks away. Every step I take it seems as if he gets further and further. Then I stop in my tracks when hearing his deep and scratchy voice.

"Leave me alone." No... please Katsuki.

I continue walking towards him, trying to reach. But he's just too far away. I'm too late...

"And that's Bakugou. You don't have permission to call me by my first name anymore." He says threateningly.

Time stops.

I hear nothing. See nothing, except Katsuki. The background behind him is all just... darkness. And I'm like a desperate little puppy, looking for any signs of light in this dark world. And that light is Katsuki.

Katsuki Bakugou.

What have you done to me?

~About 3 minutes later~

I walk the crowded halls of U.A, desperately searching for the bathroom. The soles of my feet hit hard against the hard floor, sending beats to my ears. Everyone's chatter is almost unheard. Only my own steps. The world got quiet when Bakugou denied me.

And it's okay.

It was my fault. I said those things. But, I mean... why did he take it to heart? It's not like I would leave him if he would say those things to me.

Does he even care?

Am I just another rival for him?

Why was he so down...?

That last thought got cut off by a forceful push of my shoulder. I come back to reality and see no other students in the corridors, only the one in front of me. I don't recognise him, maybe another class?

His hair is all messy and a very nice purple colour, his eyes covered with dark bags, presumably from lack of sleep. And his facade holding a smirk. I didn't even notice the pain that went through my whole body when he pushed me. The scars reacting roughly with the contact.

"Hey, you're in 1-A class, right?" He asks me. Damn, I like his voice. It's so deep. My favourite =).

I feel a wave of warmth run through my cheeks and I avert my eyes to the 'very interesting' wall that is beside us.

"U-uh... Yes." I simply say.

"Thanks for responding." He tells.

"Uhh.. oka-" my mouth suddenly stops. I freeze, absolutely unable to move my muscles. He keeps staring at me, probably thinking.

"Now, what to do.. what to do.." he mumbles under his nose.

What is he going to do? I'm not ready! What's happening?!

"You class A bastards need to learn your lesson..." he announces. What the hell...? "Oh." He snaps his fingers. "I know what to do." My palms get sweaty from the massive imagination I have, lots and lots of different situations running through my head like a marathon. "Go to class 1-A..." he starts, still keeping that smirk of his seen.

No no no no no! What does he have in mind?! This crooked man!

"And set it on fire." He ends.

No... I could hurt my friends!

My body moves on it's own. My legs feel numb, and they seem to have a mind of their own as well. I reach the classroom and walk inside and in the teachers desk drawer I find matches. My soft hands pick them up and light one up. [Just imagine that the class has curtains for the windows] The match reaching the window's curtains, fire spreads all over it. But my body, it isn't moving. I can't escape...

Is this the end for me...? Did the time finally come for me to leave this world. At the moment when I lost everything important in my life, destiny finds its way to defeat me. Even when I'm this powerful...

I lost Katsuki. What else is there for me to live for?

Why did I even join this academy? Did I really expect to become someone? Something? Why...?

So many questions that I won't be able to answer...

The fire reaching my desk and slowly burning it to smithereens I continue to stand, absolutely frozen and overthinking my mistakes.

The door slams open as a couple of screams and gasps are heard from behind the door. Aizawa runs in and grabs my hand, dragging me out of the room. And when feeling his touch I get back my control over my own body.

"Someone! Quickly get the fire extinguisher!" He shouts at a group of students. One of them use their quirk, which is water, and puts out the massive fire. Everyone's bodies are still and now relaxed, knowing that they are safe. Although, I am not. Aizawa tightens his grip on my wrist and yells, "What the hell where you thinking? Why weren't you moving? Who caused this?"

I feel my legs getting numb again. I just want to go home. Although, destiny can not be changed. "I-I-..don't know what happened. I talked to this kid from another class and he..he-he hypnotised me or s-something. L-like, took control over my body." I stutter out. Sweet Jesus I was pathetic.

"Who caused the fire?" He asks again. I look at him, my eyes turning icy blue, like the sky, and stare him down with sadness written all over.

"I caused it."

Silence. Even the students stopped talking. They just stared me down, hundreds of eyes are on me. Aizawa stares at me with disbelief.

"You're being expelled."

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