#3 Fighting For Life

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3rd person's POV

(Y/n) intimidatingly points at Bakugou and challenges him to fight with everything he's got. Bakugou growls at her self confidence and runs towards her as fast as he could. When only a couple of inches away from (Y/n)'s face and Bakugou's fist (Y/n) flaps her wings and goes up high in the air. Bakugou gets even more frustrated from missing her and lets out explosions from his hands to fly after her.

(Y/n) smirks at the boy.

As she waits for him to reach her she clicks on her silver rings and, again, the needles come out. Bakugou reaches (Y/n)'s feet and the girl kicks him in the chest, sending him flying back to the ground. A loud shout was heard from him.

"AAHH WHAT THE HELL!!? STOP PLAYING AROUND!" (Y/n) smirks at him even more and flies at him at max speed. While flying she cuts her palms with the needles and crimson blood starts flowing out.

'Uhhh.. I hate blood....' she thinks.

(Y/n), when reached Bakugou, slams one of her palms on his face and almost reaching the ground, pummels his head into the dirt field.

She jumps back from him, getting ready for his next attack. Bakugou lets out a groan of pain and lazily sits up, wiping away a drop of blood from his mouth.

"You're more powerful than I thought, (l/n)." He says, panting. (Y/n) puts her hands on her hips and smiles genuinely at him.

"Why, thank you, Bakugou!" She says, trying to make the sweetest voice she can muster.

'I knew it...'

Bakugou quickly jumps up and using his explosions, boosts his own running speed. While this is clearly an unfair fight (Y/n) decides to let Bakugou land a punch. He comes at her with his max speed and sends a punch to her jaw. (Y/n) makes a 180 spin and falls down to her knees.

Bakugou waits patiently for her recover but she aint' moving. Bakugou starts to grow weary and slowly starts getting closer.

He freezes after hearing a small chuckle. (Y/n) starts giggling, then laughing. A wave of fear and confusion runs through Bakugou while a wave of insanity runs through (Y/n). Bakugous eyes go wide when (Y/n) turns her head to meet his....and her eyes....

Oh, it wasn't the facade she was making that scared him, it was the eyes. Her (e/c) hues turnes absolutely bloodthirsty red. She looked insane.

"W..WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Bakugou screams. (Y/n) lets out a maniacal laugh and stands up.

"That's all you've got?!" she says with another laugh. Bakugou's heart rate just went up a notch and he went a few steps back. (Y/n) then fully turns to Bakugou and rising her head Bakugou saw her bloodthirsty eyes again.

(Y/n) didn't feel anything. She was overwhelmed with power that she even stopped feeling. She felt nothing. Suddenly, out of nowhere (Y/n) appeared  in front of Bakugou and started punching him nonstop in the face. They both fall to the ground, (Y/n) atop of Bakugou, her punching him in his entire face. Blood starts dripping from his mouth and nose, some bruises are starting to appear. Then, the blood that (Y/n) casted earlier turns into little blades from her palms and she stabs him in the shoulder. Bakugou lets out a loud groan of pain.

'This is too far..' someone thinks.

Aizawa, from the building's corner, watched everything go down. He then tries to stop (Y/n) from using her quirk. He opens his eyes widely and activates his quirk.

It isn't working.

(Y/n) continues to stab and punch Bakugou, but Aizawa can't control her quirk.

'What the hell...' he thinks.

Since that isn't working, Aizawa uses his scarf to trap (Y/n). As he pulls her away from Bakugou she tries to send more punches at him. "(Y/n)!! What are you doing?! Calm down!" Aizawa screams at the girl. At that moment, (Y/n) freezes in place, her hands fall to her sides and she stopped pulling.

She's absolutely quiet.

Aizawa carefully tries to reach her until she falls to the ground, on her knees. (Y/n) is crying.

The teacher puts a hand on her shoulder. "What happened?." He asks.

(Y/n) covers her face with her bloody hands to stop the crying. When she realised that all her clothes were covered in Bakugous blood she starts crying even more. Aizawa turns to the couple of students who heard the shouting and came to see what the commotion was all about.

"Get Bakugou to Recovery Girl!" Those students instantly obeyed and carefully took Bakugou, going inside the high school. Aizawa then turned back at (Y/n). "What happened? Why wasn't I able to stop you..?" He asks her quietly. The girl stopped crying by that time. She turns to him, feeling guilty for starting this in the first place.


"(Y/n)... tell me." He says.

(Y/n) turns away, not wanting to see his reaction.

"I came here for no reason... I didn't want to become a hero... actually, to be honest, I don't know. Maybe I did. I just...I don't know.." she says, her voice a bit cracked from the tears earlier.

"And why couldn't I stop you?" He asks again, while taking her hand to help her stand. She takes his and when stood, she stumbled a bit.


He waits patiently...

"It's not a quirk..." his eyes widen. It took a bit for him to take all that in, but he understood.

There should be information about her in the file room. But if the principal knew that she was quirkless, then why did they accept her into this high school? He didn't know.

They both slowly start to walk back inside and he takes her to the teachers lounge. Asking her to tell everything about it, she obliges.


'I probably shouldn't be doing this but oh well' (Y/n) thinks as she climbs through one of the high schools windows.

(Y/n) had the urge to visit Bakugou at this late hour because... she couldn't sleep. She felt horrible about what she did and she needed to apologise.

Even if it was the middle of the night.

Landing quietly on the tiled floor she tip toes to his bed and sits beside him. Looking at his calm [not angry] face made her smile. Self consciously. For once she actually wanted to see his crimson hues, she didn't care if he was mad or happy, she just wanted to see them. To see him. That's why she's here.

"Bakugou... I'm so sorry...." she says, before breaking down beside him and quietly sobbing into the white hospital sheets. Her body shivers from the pain in her chest.

How could she do this?

Hurting someone... it's unimaginable. How could she have lost it this easily? Suddenly, a warm hand pressed on her head. She quickly jerked up her head and saw none other than crimson hues looking back at her.

"Stop crying you baby." He says in his deep voice. (Y/n) couldn't contain the happiness so she hugged him. Of course she was careful, (Y/n) didn't want him to feel any more pain than he's already feeling. "What are you doing here?" He asks her, nicely. (Y/n) gives him a cute smile and answers.

"To see you, firecracker!"

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