#27 Torture

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I walk to my balcony, expecting to find quiet chirps of the birds. I step out into the cold air and am greeted with honking from the cars right by my house. Granted, the tree beside my balcony mutes out the sound slightly, but it's just loud enough to distract my reading. Heaving a sigh I lay down the book and take a seat.

Looking up at the sky made me wonder...

Are they up there or in hell? In any case, there would be no reason for my parents to be down there with Satan, but brother...?

My sister unexpectedly walks in, "Hey, sis, how's it going?" her worried tone made me anxious. I guess she noticed my strange behavior.

"Hey, nothin' much." I sit upright, looking at her. "How are you feeling? Does your leg still hurt?" Greta takes a seat in front of me, relaxes and smiles.

"I'm fine, it's just a little numb at the moment." Her wide smile did not please me. This woman in front of me has been suffering for years, I can only imagine what kind of horrible things she isn't telling me.

I choke out a sob, leaning towards the ground to bow for my sister. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It's my entire fault!" I keep repeating those words, my choked sobs filling the air.

At this point, they sound as if I'm trying to convince myself that it actually was my fault. Then, a pair of hands wrap around my figure. I, still, continue sobbing, feeling the hands hug me tighter.

"Shh...Shh..It's not your fault, (Y/n)"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.."

I cry my eyes out, letting all of those built up feeling to spill like my tears.

====A few minutes later====

"I'll go make some sandwiches, okay?" I slowly nod, wiping away the tears. "I'll be back in a few." She leaves and I finally stand, sitting back on my seat.

Throat still throbbing in pain, hurts like hell itself.

After those few minutes the honking seemed to stop. Finally silence. The voices finally stopped screaming in my head.

'What did I do...to deserve peace?'

"You okay?" I immediately flinch at the sound of a male voice. It seemed close by, but no one was standing by the balcony door. I grip the sides of my metal chair and look around. A few meters away from me on another balcony stands Eijiro. My widened eyes close a bit after realizing it was him.

I sit back down and look away, thinking he might notice my reddened eyes, "Yeah, I'm.. I'm fine." Kirishima leans on the fence of his balcony and huffs a worried sigh.

"I can tell you're not. I heard you crying." I wipe my nose and sniff, the cool air getting to me.

"How's your cut? Sorry, by the way, for the... you kno-"

"Don't ignore my question. Answer me, please." The boy pleads.

I don't understand. I'm asking him a sincere question. Why doesn't he understand that I care...? I had to watch how Aizawa bandaged his unconscious body, his troubled face made my heart rip apart.

'Why am I so attached to him? Maybe I see him as a brother-figure? No... I see him as more than that..'

I stand up and also lean on my own fence.

'I see him more than that, but.... What about Katsuki?'

Eijiro seemed to notice my calm and focused expression, "what are you thinking about?" His smile and concerned tone made me answer truthfully.

"You." At that moment I practically felt awkwardness walk in through the door. "I-I-I mean! I-I u-uh..N-not wha-"

"It's fine!" I cover my face with the palms of my hands and slightly cry at my own honesty. "It's fine.." Right then and there his voice almost seemed... relieved. I look at him and almost gasp at Eijiros reaction.

He looks away, seemed to be hiding that very visible blush, his eyes shine bright, unlike the gloomy ones I saw earlier this day. My heart flutters at his unnatural behavior.

'Have I.. Fallen for-'

"Hey! I'm back!" My sister walks in with a huge plate of my favorite sandwiches. Immediately she notices the awkwardness and our red faces. "Sorry if I disturbed something." She says as she slowly walks away.

"NO!! NOT MY SANDWICHES!!!" After a bit of silence we break, laughing. I introduce my sister to Eijiro and vice versa, a feeling of pleasure and satisfaction runs through me.

'This... I'll never forget this..' I think as I smile to myself.


Kacchan takes off his shirt to head to the shower when...

"Wait.. How..?" the scar on his shoulder seemed to grasp his attention. "How the fuck did I get this??"


[Hey, people! SO SO OSS SO SORRY FOR THIS SUPER DUPER SHORT CHAPTER. I SWEAR I HAVE MORE TO COME, I'M JUST REALLY IN A HURRY RN, I have a dance competition tomorrow and I have practice today. I truly am sorry for not uploading in ages. Please forgive my laziness. You know I love leaving you guys on cliffhangers <3 Kay, see ya my weebs! (>3<)]

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