#30 Fucking Hug Me

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(Y/n)'s POV


I open my eyes in sheer terror, jolting my tired body up. Eyes wide, breath rough from a memory. I frantically look around, my surroundings at first seem unfamiliar, but then I remember that this room is where I left Eijiro.

'Right... the hospital. Must've fallen asleep yesterday.'

Looking at the big quantity of flowers and balloons the previous day comes to mind. Oh, how everyone wanted to stay longer, but... work had called them. As a café worker myself, I can skip work from time to time, but as a hero... their schedules are probably filled.

I stayed, his calm and collected face worries me, because...

Well, how could I leave my boyfriend?

My body feels sore as I stand up from the comfortable sofa and sit on one side of Eijiros bed, stomach rumbling. I haven't eaten in a while. The nurse offered some food, but I politely declined. For the first time I was relieved that I keep a bar of chocolate in my pocket.

Waiting for Eijiro to wake up hurts me with every passing second, I just want to see his happy face, I want to feel his warm hugs and kisses... then, suddenly...

My heart beat increases drastically as I hear oddly familiar footsteps, they come closer and closer to the door. I avert my eyes up to the pearl door, hoping it isn't who I think it is. The doorknob seems to turn in slow motion, as if time itself is trying to make a fool out of me, waiting for me to burst.

The door creaks and moving to its side reveals the person who left me all those years ago, the person who just couldn't help but ignore me.

I stand up, sliding my phone on the soft white sheets beneath me. The man looks at me with surprise, of course, anyone would be surprised, it's early and a weekday.

"Bakugou." The man looks nice, tidy, his face isn't screaming 'I want to bloody murder you' anymore and to be honest, more mature.


"Don't." I cut his word immediately. After all this time I do not accept to hear my name spoken from his lips. Turning my head away from him he sighs in defeat and sits down on the spare chair, opposite from me. My eyes travel to his and...

I feel like I should hate him, I should be mad to the bone, but... I feel like I still love him, as if those past 3 years were only a dream, as if all of it was fake and now I'm here with him, happy.

Wish that was true though. My eyes don't seem to leave his. Have to remember as much as I can, before he disappears again.

"So..." he starts, his voice is deeper as well. My heart beat increases even more, which annoys me immediately, "You two are a thing?" His face becomes disgusted, as if the thought of me and Eijiro as a couple made him sick. I cross my arms.

"Seriously? That's what you're going to start this with? Not even 'hey' or 'how've you been?'" I furiously snarl at him. "I don't care what you think of me now or what you thought of me back then, but I am not going to stand here and listen to you be jealous!"

He became quiet. 'At least he dropped the habit of screaming at everything.'

"Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" He asks, irritation obviously found in his voice.

"Because the way you look at me..." My voice cracks, throat hurts and tears form at the tips of my eyes, "You called me by my first name... even though I called you by your last." I cover my face up with my hands and fall backwards on the sofa. Sobbing.

The true feelings I have for Kacchan are now visible.


3rd Persons POV


Katsuki's muscles tense at the girls' action. It is true, he had called her by her first name and didn't even know how much power it held. The boy, now devastated by his actions, stands up and walks to her, sitting by her side.

"Stop whining, you baby." He says, that fury finally turning up. He leans back, looking at the boring ceiling, thinking about... well, (Y/n).

He doesn't know why she acts this way, what has he done to destroy her heart like that?

The only important thing he remembers is that (Y/n) left the note, which had her confession written on it. He still has it in his room, hidden safely in a small box and next to the hoard of other confession letters he got through the years.

For some reason he couldn't throw them out, he didn't care for those people, but something kept him from doing it.

Maybe Kacchan had finally grown a heart, maybe his ego got smaller and he finally puts other people before him.

If only the brokenhearted girl knew that. Katsuki's body gets pushed to the side and his thoughts get cut short.

(Y/n) hugs him tightly, her arms firmly around his neck and her tears slightly smearing against the boys' skin. He tries to push her back.

"Stop acting like a kid." The girl hugs him even tighter, with the thought to not strangle him in the process. Kacchan moves his head towards the window, knowing (Y/n) she won't let go, so he figures he could just watch the action from outside.

"Come on. My back hurts from your weight."

"Just shut up and fucking hug me back, Kacchan."

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