#12 Destruction

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Katsuki's POV

"What in the actual fu-" Katsuki gets cut off by a cut to his shoulder.

"If you don't shut your mouth a cut to the shoulder will turn into a gaping hole.~" (Y/n) says psychotically.What have I done to her? (Y/n) lets go of my ear and pushes herself off of me. I quickly let go of Shigaraki's wrists and turn around, immediately regretting it as (Y/n) wasn't behind me anymore. Confused as fuck, I then again turn around to Shigaraki, while explosions happen all around me. Not spotting him either I start to get really confused.

"WHERE IN THE HELL ARE YOU??!!" My anger taking over I scream, getting the attention of the portal. It lets out a deep sigh.

"Missed one." he says, referring to me. Still searching for (Y/n) and Shigaraki, I spot at the corner of my eye the portal closing in on me, but before I could react he already teleported me to a destroyed city. Looking around I don't see anyone, but then, looking up at the sky I see the dome.

'Looks like I'm still at the USJ'

A sudden rumble cuts off my thoughts as a boulder charges at me. It's too fast, to my dismay, and before it hits me Kirishima comes to my rescue. Which I didn't need. He hardens his skin and blocks the boulder, just a few inches left to hit me. The smaller rumbles of rock fall to the ground as Eijiro turns to look at me. He immediately reacts and concern fills his features.

"Dude, you're bleeding." The adrenalin still pumping in my veins I turn to look at where Kirishima is looking, which is my shoulder and I see a stream of blood dripping from it. Only now I feel the pain. It's excruciating, by the way. I cover the wound with my ripped glove and a hiss escapes my mouth.

Kirishima immediately reaches his hands to try and help to my wounds, but decides against it, knowing me he just can't, because he knows I don't need his help. Or anyone's help. Then an unforeseen earthquake occurs. Almost losing my balance I stand tall, making sure I can still even walk.

"We have to get to the center of all this." I say, a slight pain heard in my tone. Hedgehog hair looks over, a bit confused he rises his eyebrow in question. "At the center the fight is happening and.. (Y/n) is attacking." Immediately after my words he looks at me, mad and grips my uninjured shoulder.

"You can't go! You're still injured, man. Stay here, I'll take care of it."

~The Fight~

3rd persons POV

Aizawa swings and kicks the villain's asses, his quirk working perfectly. One after the other, villains fall to their knees by him as Aizawa stands with pride.

But that pride didn't last long.

As he fights, Tomura Shigaraki and (Y/n) (L/n) stand by the fountain, analyzing the girls' old sensei. Shigaraki, amazed by Shotas power, he rubs his hands together, as if it was exactly and I mean exactly as he had planned. He then turns to the [Tall/short] girl and tilts his head to his right side.

"Now would be the right time to-" before he finished a fist reached Shigaraki's baby blue hair and he flew into the fountain. (Y/n) still standing without a reaction she turns to her sensei, Aizawa stepping closer to her. Small waves of caution rose in (Y/n)'s stomach, she felt as if he was crossing the line a bit. But then a tsunami of insanity overwhelmed that fear and the fragile girl laughed.

Aizawa, horrified of the scene he's seeing, steps back and standing in position if attacked. (Y/n) looks straight into Shotas eyes through his glasses and smiles wickedly, showing her pearly whites. Her gas mask sitting quietly on the ground, unknown of when it was taken off. Aizawa then sees behind (Y/n) the baby blue hair rise from beneath the water, the same hand covering Shigaraki's face.

"(Y/n)," he shouts for the girl as if praying.

"Yes, master?" she answers the wicked man in her own wicked way, at the same time raising her eyebrows [which are on fleak, ay!].

"Release him." he says, pointing at Aizawa.

"With pleasure~." she says yet again with her insane tone. Aizawa, at first, did not understand what was happening until he realized what Tomura meant.

Shotas eyes avert back to (Y/n) and what she's holding in her small hand. A large and shiny chain, continuing to the ground and around a huge, muscular and purple bird-human. It's brains poking out of its head and its eyes staring Aizawa down with a glare he didn't notice earlier. To Shota's dismay, (Y/n) walks up to the beast and pets the side of its face in a gentle, yet terrifying way. She then reaches to its chain and removes it from its neck, standing aside she says,

"Nomu, attack." after those few words the bird-human speeds to Aizawa, breaking and crumbling the ground beneath it. Out of fear and surprise Aizawa activates his quirk in such speed, but it doesn't seem to work and he takes a very painful punch to the stomach.

Kirishima's POV

I run and pant, feeling out of breath from running a bit too much. Finally seeing a glimpse of the fight I run even faster, trying as hard as I can to reach her.

To help and finally see her.

From the corner of my eye I spot action, it seems to be running. I turn and there's a villain, desperately trying to reach for me. I harden my skin and punch him in the face, after getting close enough, "I don't have time for you." and I run off, back towards the fight scene.

Sweat running from my forehead I try to think of what will I do. She betrayed us and yet...

I still....

love her.

I immediately stop after that thought to witness how she lets go of a chain and a humanoid bird charges at Mr. Aizawa.

Why did you let go?

Looking around the area I see all the villains are either down or a far distance away from me and my destination. My destination - (Y/n). Seeing an opening I run to her and grab her forearm with gentleness, like a man [lol, what]. Forcefully turning her around I look at her broken face and that villainous smirk, it sends chills down my spine.

"(Y/n)! We have to go, come on!" I murmur to her. She then smiles even more, if that's even possible. In a very slow fashion (Y/n) turns her head to look at me, her pupils shrunken to the point of not being seen at all, she says,

"No." just a simple ,,no". I take her by both of her forearms and shake her a bit, trying to shake away that insanity.

"You have to! Please, (Y/n)!" I plead the girl. Surprisingly, Shigaraki as if being invinsible, appeared behind her and gripped her throat from behind and lifts her up. I let go of her and look at Tomura with disbelief written on my eyes as (Y/n) chokes in pain. "What are you doing? Let go!" I shout while charging at him, hardening my skin at the same time I punch him in the stomach. He immediately lets go of (Y/n) and lets her fall to the ground, I turn around as fast as I can and catch her, slowly laying her down on the dirt field.

It feels as if everything around me disappeared and it's only me and her. Her quiet breathing and my pants from lack of air, adrenalin rushing. I look to the area where Shigaraki gripped her and the skin on that area is crumbled like old wallpaper.

Suddenly, one of her eyelids open and she looks at me with teary eyes.

"Ei..jiro..?" she asks, a tear drop slides down her soft cheek. I feel tears gathering in my eyes as well.

"Y-yeah?" I question her. A pained feeling appears by my stomach, I don't know why or what it is, but I don't care right now.

She puts her hands behind my neck and pushes herself up to me, putting her head on my shoulder in a warm hug.

"I'm sorry.." she chokes out as I put my own hands behind her neck and feel a pool of warm liquid pile on my hands. I move to look at it and it's her....


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