The Decent to Hell is Easy

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Robert: Alec, are you sure about this?

Alec: Yes.

Robert: You don't have to do this if you don't want to.

Alec: Trust me dad, I know what I'm doing.

Robert: Very well, we must be going now before he does anything to the deal.


Asmodeus: Ahh Alexander and Robert Lightwood, I was wondering if you were going to make it or not.

Robert: We had a deal, and I don't break them.

Asmodeus: An angel loyal to his word, it's quite rare when I see one of those. When I do see one, you'll be surprised of how much respect I have. Cleophas!

Cleophas: Yes, your majesty?

Asmodeus: Begin the pentagram, Alec you step in the middle.

*Steps in the middle*

Asmodeus: Anytime now, Cleophas.

Cleophas: I call upon the power of pentagram as we begin the process of descending this angel into hell.

*The pentagram lights up in little flames of hell.*

Cleophas: Alexander Gideon Lightwood, son of Robert and Maryse Lightwood, brother to Isabelle Sofia and Maxwell Joseph Lightwood, Parabati to Jonathan Christopher Herondale, and child of Jonathan Shadowhunter, may your angelic powers be overtaken by the dark forces of demons. May the flames guide you down the path to hell, and lead you to the darkest parts of the land of demons. Now burn, burn in hell.

*Flames light up, and start crawling on Alec's body. Alec looks at his father with a small smile.*

Alec: Take care of everyone, and let them know that I love them very much.

Robert: I love you too.

Asmodeus: O apochairetismós eínai tóso glykiá thlípsi.

*Alec burns away into ash.*

Asmodeus: If only if my second son was like that, so noble and brave. Sadly, all he ever does is just rebel against me, and never learns.

Robert: I am sorry to here that.

Asmodeus: Don't be, I've gotten used to it by now. Now if you'll excuse me, I must make sure that your son has his arrival the least bit of welcoming. As your lineage of Shadowhunters always say after they encounter a demon, descensus averno.

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