Meeting Mom

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Magnus: But what about my father?

Alec: I'm the one who came up with this, so if there is anyone who is getting the blame it's me.

Magnus: Alexander, do you really want to face my father's punishments?

Alec: As long as you get to see your mom then whatever your father will do to me will be worth it.

Magnus: I know a way we can get out.

*Magnus leaded Alec out of the castle, very carefully so that way they wouldn't get caught, and sooner or later they were in front of a dark and long tunnel.*

Alec: What is this?

Magnus: The only way out of Hell.

Alec: People use this to get out of here.

Magnus: My father sends his soldiers in there to cause his chaos on Earth. Of course they have to go through several tests to make sure that we will survive the transfer from here to the real world.

Alec: Why?

Magnus: If you just go ahead, and open a portal and cross then it's more than likely that you will die.

Alec: Oh.

Magnus: You're not scared, are you?

Alec: No, but I would like to know what these tests are.

Magnus: It's divided into three tests that you have to pass in order to enter the Mundane World. The first part is want, no matter what you have to be able to resist whatever the test offers you, the second part is fantasies and realities, you have a fantasy of a life that you so desperately want and you have to conquer it and say that this isn't reality, and the third part is fear which is not the most funnest part you go through. With this one, you have to conquer whatever you fear in order for you to past through the border. With all three tests complete, you're transferred into Earth and begin your journey.

Alec: Very well then.

Magnus: I can go first if you want, I know this is your first time going through this.

Alec: It's fine, I know what I have to do.

Magnus: Just remember within every test you pass, the harder it will get.

Alec: I'm going to be fine, Magnus. Though if you want to, we can both enter together so we won't be lost.

Magnus: Okay.

*Magnus and Alec held each other's hands, and entered into the mysterious and unknowing tunnel.*

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