Alexander and Magnus

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Alec: 'Is it weird that I don't trust Jonathan to be the next Prince?'

Magnus: 'Alexander you're in Hell, it shouldn't be weird at all because no demon could ever be trusted.'

Alec: 'I trust you.'

Magnus: 'Obviously.'

Alec: No really I trust you, and I don't think it's fair that you should be treated like this.'

Magnus: 'That's how my father always punished me, always viewing me as the less favorite child.'

Alec: 'Same, Izzy and Max have been the favorite child.'

Magnus: 'How is it that we have so much in common?'

Alec: 'I don't know.'

Magnus: 'It almost feels like some sort love story.'

Alec: 'It's not.'

Magnus: 'It's not?'

Alec: 'It's not, because this is real.'

*Alec puts his hand on Magnus' heart.*

Alec: 'Because my love for you is real, and all the love stories in the world could never compare for the love I have for you.'

Magnus: 'Love me, or hate me both are in my favor....'

Alec: 'If you love me, I'll always be in your heart'

Magnus: 'If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind'

(Starting from "Love me, or hate me both are in my favor" ending from "If you hate me, I'll always be in your mind" is from William Shakespeare.)

Alec: 'And for there never was a story of more woe.'

Magnus: 'Than this of Magnus and his Alexander'

(You know who this from.)

Alec: 'Magnus?'

Magnus: 'Yes.'

Alec: 'I don't want you to be in this....'

Magnus: 'In this living hell?'

Alec: 'Yeah, in this living hell. One day, we'll get out of here and when we do....I'll find a way to get your voice back.'

Magnus: 'You don't need-'

*Alec kissed Magnus, and something....quite magical happened when Alec let go.*

Magnus: Mph!

Alec: 'Magnus, you're stitches are coming off.'

Magnus: Mph!

Alec: Hold on.

*Alec kept kissing Magnus as hard as he could, and he wasn't going to stop. Magnus kept kissing him, and felt the stitches unwinding one at a time. Alec let go, and saw that half the stitches were gone.*

Alec: We're almost done, just hold on.

*Alec kissed Magnus, and he made sure that he poured all of his love in the kiss. He even added tongue into the recipe of love. The stitches came off of Magnus, and Alec let go of him.*

Magnus: Al....Al........Al

Alec: Shh, you haven't used your voice in a long time so rest you need it.

Magnus: 'Thank you, for saving me.....for loving me.....for'

Alec: 'Shh, I got you.'

*Alec and Magnus kissed, and had their little mix of love and passion for one another.*

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